
Written by:  Ty King
Directed by:  Michael E. Gershman
Transcribed by:  AleXander Thompson

Copyright © 1998 Alexander Thompson

                   ~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~

I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to 
the television show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". They were created by 
Joss Whedon and belong to him, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Television, Kuzui 
Enterprises, 20th Century Fox Television and the WB Television Network.

This is not a novelization or a script. It is a straightforward and dry 
transcript of the episode "Passion". It also includes descriptions of 
the settings, action scenes and camera movements where I felt they were 

I made every effort to accurately transcribe the dialogue from this 
episode. If you notice anything that is transcribed incorrectly, please 
let me know and I will post an update.                     rev 98.10.06

This episode was originally broadcast on February 24, 1998.

                    ~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue ~~~~~~~~~~

In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against 
the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.

The Bronze. The camera extends out from the catwalk, looking straight 
down onto the people below. They are dancing to the slow, sensual rhythm 
of "Never an Easy Way" performed by Morcheeba.

Lyrics:  Think I slip the net / But I cut myself free

Cut to the crowd below. Buffy and Xander are dancing together, but not 
close, and exchange a few words as they move around. Behind them 
Cordelia and Willow are sitting at a table and chatting.

Lyrics:  I'm not losing yet / So don't forget me / I'll say it, replay 

A man crosses in front of the camera, temporarily blocking the view, and 
when he's gone by Angelus is standing beyond the table near the base of 
the stairs. He watches them dance. His voice narrates throughout the 

Angelus:  Passion.

Lyrics:  ...and try tomorrow

Angelus:  It lies in all of us.

Lyrics:  I'll say it, replay it...

Angelus:  Sleeping...

Lyrics:  ...and live with sorrow

Angelus:  ...waiting... And though unwanted...

Lyrics:  You'd think I'd learn by now

Angelus:  ...unbidden... it will stir...

Lyrics:  There's never an easy way

He begins to move around the room, all the while keeping his stare on 

Angelus: its jaws, and howl.

Lyrics:  I'll get through somehow / I'm on my knees to pray

Cut outside to the alley. Willow and Buffy come walking out of the 
Bronze. Buffy has her arm hooked into Willow's. Cordelia and Xander are 
behind them with their arms around each other.

Lyrics:  You'd think I'd learn by now / There's never an easy way

They walk past a couple, apparently engaged in a kiss. The camera stops 
on the couple.

Lyrics:  I'll get through somehow...

The man lifts his head from the woman, and it's Angelus, just finishing 
a bite. He lets the woman's dead body fall to the pavement. He steps out 
into the alley, leaving the woman's body lying there, and watches the 
group as they walk away, completely unaware of his presence and his 
deed. He morphs into his human guise and begins to follow.

Cut to a shot into Buffy's room from outside of her window. Buffy walks 
around her bed past the window. On her way back she pauses by the window 
and looks out. She lifts the blinds a little and scans around. Seemingly 
satisfied that no one's there she walks back over to her closet, 
unzipping the back of her dress along the way.

Cut to later inside her room. She's in her pajamas now. She sets her 
alarm and gets into bed. She reaches over to turn off her light and 
settles in to sleep. The camera closes in on her a little and turns to 
include the window in the shot. Angelus is outside looking in.

Cut to even later in her room. The camera closes in on a sleeping Buffy. 
A shadow comes across her bed, and a hand reaches over to stroke her 
hair with its fingers. The camera pans over to the person, and it's 
Angelus, sitting on the edge of her bed and looking down at her. He 
continues his narration as the camera pulls out for a shot of him 
sitting next to her while she sleeps.

Angelus:  It speaks to us... guides us... Passion rules us all. And we 
obey. What other choice do we have?

Opening credits roll. Buffy's theme plays.

                    ~~~~~~~~~~ Part 1 ~~~~~~~~~~

Morning in Buffy's room. The camera pans from the foot of her bed up to 
her face. She stirs and wakes. She opens her eyes to look over at her 
clock, but they fix on an envelope left next to her on her pillow. She 
lets out an inquiring moan, pushes her hair back and picks up the 
envelope as she sits up. She looks down at it and sees that it's blank. 
She opens it, takes out the paper inside, unfolds it and can only stare 
at it in disbelief. Cut to a view of the sheet. On it is a pencil sketch 
of her sleeping.

Buffy:  He was in my room.

Cut to the library. Giles is behind the counter checking in various 
books. Buffy walks past him toward the table as he looks up.

Giles:  Who?

Buffy:  Angel. He was in my room last night.

He comes out from behind the counter and follows her over to the table. 
Xander and Cordelia are there also.

Giles:  Are you sure?

Buffy:  Positive. When I woke up, I found a picture he'd left me on my 
pillow. (crosses her arms)

Xander:  A visit from the pointed-tooth fairy.

Cordelia:  Wait, I thought vampires couldn't come in unless you invited 
them in.

Giles:  Yes, but, uh, once you've invited them in, thereafter they're, 
they're always welcome.

Buffy looks down, then over at Xander as he speaks.

Xander:  Y'know, I think there may be a valuable lesson for you gals 
here about inviting strange men into your bedrooms.

Cordelia:  (realizes) Oh, God! (looks at Xander) I invited him in my car 
once. (looks at Giles) That means he can come into my car whenever he 

Xander:  Yep, you're doomed to havin' (Cordelia looks at him) to give 
him and his vamp pals a lift whenever they feel like it. And those guys 
never chip in for gas.

Cordelia looks away, disgusted.

Buffy:  Giles, there has to be some sort of spell to reverse the 
invitation, right? Like a barrier, a no shoes, no pulse, no service kind 
of thing?

Cordelia:  Yeah, that works for a car, too?

Giles:  Yes, well, I-I-I could check on my...

Xander:  (hops up from his chair) Hello!

They all look behind them and see Jonathon and a girl come into the 

Xander:  Excuse me, but have you ever heard of knocking?

Jonathon:  (gestures to the library before him) We're supposed to get 
some books. On Stalin. (nods)

Xander:  (points at Jonathon) Does this look like a Barnes & Noble?

Giles:  This is a school library, Xander.

Xander:  Since when?

Giles:  (to Jonathon) Uh, y-yes, yes, uh, third row. (gestures to the 
stacks) Historical biographies.

Jonathon:  Thanks.

He and the girl walk past them, up the stairs and into the stacks. The 
others watch them go until they disappear. Xander points out of the 
library. He and Cordelia pick up their things and start out. Giles looks 
at Buffy, confused, but follows.

Giles:  What... (gets a look from Buffy) Oh!

Jonathon comes back out of the stacks.

Jonathon:  Hey, did you say that was the... (sees they're gone) Hello?

Cut to the hall. Xander and Cordelia lead Giles and Buffy as they walk 

Giles:  So Angel has decided to step up his harassment of you?

Cordelia:  By sneaking in her room and leaving stuff at night? Why 
doesn't he just slit her throat or strangle her while she's sleeping or 
cut her heart out? (gets looks from everyone) What? I'm trying to help.

They've left the hall and walk along the colonnade.

Giles:  Yes. (to Buffy) Uh, uh, look, it's-it's classic battle strategy 
to throw one's opponent off his game. He-he-he's just trying to provoke 
you. Uh, to taunt you, to, to goad you into, uh, some mishap of some 

Xander:  (looks back at Giles) The (sing-song) nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah 
approach to battle?

Giles:  Yes, Xander, once more you've managed to boil a complex thought 
down to its simplest possible form. (Xander smiles)

Buffy:  Giles, Angel once told me that when he was obsessed with 
Drusilla, the first thing h-he did was to kill her family.

Xander:  (stops and looks at her) Your mom.

Buffy:  I know. I'm gonna have to tell her something. (sits on a wall 
and looks at Giles) The truth?

Giles:  (approaches her, waving his finger) No. You-you-you-you can't do 

Xander:  Yeah. The more people who know the secret, the more it cheapens 
it for the rest of us.

Buffy:  But I've gotta tell her something. I've gotta do something. 
Giles, Angel has an all-access pass to my house, and I'm not always 
there when my mother is. I can't protect her.

Giles:  (flustered) I told you I will find a-a spell.

Buffy:  What about *until* you find a spell?

Cordelia:  Until then, you and your mother are welcome to ride around 
with me in my car.

Giles:  Buffy, I-I understand your concern, but it's imperative that you 
keep a level head through all this.

Buffy:  That's easy for you to say. You don't have Angel lurking in your 
bedroom at night.

Giles:  I know how hard this is for you. (gets a look from Buffy) All 
right, I don't. But as the Slayer, you don't have the luxury of being a 
slave to your, your passions. You mustn't let Angel get to you. No 
matter how provocative his behavior may become.

Buffy:  So what you're basically saying is, 'just ignore him, and maybe 
he'll go away'?

Giles:  (exhales) Yes. Precisely.

Xander:  Hey, how come Buffy doesn't get a snotty 'once again you boil 
it down to the simplest form' thing?

Giles and Buffy both look over at him. He looks her up and down.

Xander:  Watcher's pet.

Cut to Jenny's computer science class.

Jenny:  Don't forget, I need your sample spreadsheets by the end of the 

The bell rings, and she walks around behind her desk.

Jenny:  Oh, and I want both a paper printout and a copy on disk. Thank 

She looks down at her desk for a second, then back up and reaches her 
arm out to get Willow's attention before she goes.

Jenny:  Willow.

Willow:  (approaches the desk) Yes?

Jenny:  Um, I might be a little late tomorrow. Do you think you could 
cover my class till I show?

Willow:  (smiling brightly) Really? Me? Teach the class? Sure!

Jenny:  Cool.

Willow:  (suddenly worried) Oh, wait. W-what if they don't recognize my 
authority? What if they try to convince me that you always let them 
leave class early? What if there's a fire drill? What if there's a fire?

Jenny:  (reassuringly) Willow, you're gonna be fine. And I'll try not to 
be too late, okay?

Willow:  (calmer) Okay. Good. Earlier is good. (smiles) Will I have the 
power to assign detention? Or make 'em run laps?

Buffy and Giles appear at the door.

Buffy:  Hey, Will.

Jenny and Willow look over at her.

Jenny:  Hi, Buffy. Rupert.

Giles looks down.

Buffy:  (ignoring Jenny) Willow, I thought I might take in a class. 
Figured I could use someone who knows where they are.

Willow glances over at Jenny with her eyes and then starts to walk out 
of the classroom.

Willow:  (to Buffy) Sorry. I have to talk to her. She's a teacher, and 
teachers are to be respected, (they exit the room) even if they're only 
filling in until the real teacher shows up, because otherwise chaos 
could ensue...

Giles has let the girls go, and now steps into the classroom. His hands 
are in his pockets.

Jenny:  How have you been?

Giles:  Uh, not so good, actually. Uh, since Angel lost his soul, he's 
regained his sense of whimsy.

Jenny:  Well, that sounds bad. (crosses her arms)

Giles:  He's been in Buffy's bedroom. I-I-I need to drum up a spell to, 
uh, keep him out of the house.

She reaches down to her desk and picks up an old book.

Jenny:  This might help. (hands it to Giles) I've been doing a little 
reading since Angel changed. (crosses her arms again) I don't think you 
have that one.

Giles:  Thank you. (leafs through it)

Jenny:  So, how's Buffy doing?

Giles:  (closes and lowers the book) How do you think?

Jenny:  (faces away) I know you feel betrayed.

Giles:  Yes. Well, that's one of the unpleasant side effects of 

Jenny:  (looks down at her desk) Rupert... I was raised by the people 
that Angel hurt the most. (looks up at Giles) My duty to them was the 
first thing I was ever taught. I didn't come here to hurt anyone, (looks 
away) a-and I lied to you because I thought it was the right thing to 
do. I... I didn't know what would happen. I didn't know I was gonna fall 
in love with you.

She pauses for a moment before looking back up at Giles. They exchange a 
meaningful look, but then she looks away again.

Jenny:  Oh, God. Is it too late to take that back?

Giles:  Do you want to?

Jenny:  (looks at him) I just wanna be right with you. I don't expect 
more. I just want so badly to make all this up to you.

Giles:  I understand. But I'm not the one you need to make it up to.

She looks at him, understanding. He gives her a little smile and raises 
the book.

Giles:  Thank you for the book.

He turns and walks out of the room. She just watches him go.

Cut to the dining room at Buffy's house. She and Joyce are having 
dinner. Buffy is just picking at her food. Joyce puts down her fork, 
folds her hands and leans forward on the table toward her daughter.

Joyce:  Okay. What's wrong?

Buffy:  (looks at her mom) It's nothing. (looks at her plate)

Joyce:  Come on. You can tell me anything. (Buffy eyes her) I've read 
all the parenting books. You cannot surprise me.

Buffy puts down her fork, puts her hands in her lap and looks over at 
her mother.

Buffy:  Do you remember that guy Angel?

Joyce:  Angel, the, um... (thinks) the college boy who was tutoring you 
in history?

Buffy:  Right. Uh, he... I-I... (looks down and whispers) Oh, God. Um... 
(looks back up) We're sort of dating, *were* dating, um, going through a 
serious off-again phase right now.

Joyce:  (smiles) Don't tell me. He's changed. He's not the same guy you 
fell for?

Buffy:  (smiles nervously) In a nutshell. (loses the smile) A-anyway, 
um... since he changed, he's been kinda following me around. He's having 
trouble letting go.

Joyce:  (concerned) Buffy, has he done anything...

Buffy:  No! No, it's not like that. He's just been hanging around... a 
lot. Just sending me notes, that kind of thing. (gets a concerned look 
from Joyce) I just don't wanna see him right now. I mean, if he shows 
up, I'll talk to him. Just... don't invite him in.

Cut to Willow's room. She's in her pajamas, walking around with her 
cordless phone to her ear.

Willow:  I agree with Giles. You need to just try and not let him get to 
you. (heads for her desk) Angel's only doing this to try to get you to 
do something stupid. (closes her laptop) I swear, men can be such jerks 
sometimes. Dead or alive. (goes to her new aquarium)

Buffy:  I just hope Giles can find a keep-out spell soon.

Cut to Buffy sitting on her bed, also in pajamas, talking into her 

Buffy:  I know I'll sleep easier when I can... sleep easier.

Cut to Willow sprinkling fish food into her tank.

Willow:  I'm sure he will. He's like book-man. (puts away the food) 
Until then, try and keep happy thoughts and...

She sees something on her bed. Cut to Buffy.

Buffy:  And what?

Cut to Willow.

Buffy:  Willow?

Willow holds the phone between her cheek and shoulder and reaches down 
for a blank envelope on her bed.

Buffy:  Willow?

Willow turns back toward her aquarium. The camera follows her and pans 
around the tank for a shot of her through the fishless water. She opens 
the envelope and finds a string. She pulls on it, and out come her fish, 
strung together one after the other. Willow loses her grip on her phone 
and it falls to the floor.

Cut to later in Buffy's room. She and Willow are sitting on her bed. 
Behind them is a string of garlic cloves hanging on the wall. Willow has 
a stake in her hand that she's fidgeting with nervously while she looks 

Willow:  Thanks for having me over, Buffy. Especially on a school night 
and all.

Buffy:  No problem. Hey, sorry about your fish.

Willow:  Oh, it's okay. We hadn't really had time to bond yet. Although 
for the first time I'm glad my parents didn't let me have a puppy.

Buffy:  (stares into space) It's so weird... Every time something like 
this happens, my first instinct is still to run to Angel. I can't 
believe it's the same person. He's completely different from the guy 
that I knew. (looks at Willow)

Willow:  Well, sort of, except...

Buffy:  Except what?

Willow:  (looks at Buffy) You're still the only thing he thinks about.

Buffy looks down at her hands.

Cut to Spike's warehouse. He's in his wheelchair in the foreground at 
the head of the table. Drusilla comes in behind him, holding a puppy 
behind her back.

Drusilla:  I brought something for you. (brings out the whining puppy) 
Poor thing. She's an orphan. (reaches Spike) Her owner died... (smiles 
at him) without a fight. Do you like her? (he looks at her) Hmm? 
(reaches her hand into his jacket and rubs his chest) I brought her 
especially for you... (pulls at his jacket) to cheer you up. (raises the 
puppy) And I've named her... (sweetly) Sunshine! (offers the puppy to 
Spike) Open wide. (he looks away) Come on, love. You need to eat 
something to keep your strength up. Now, (waves the puppy around) rrrrr, 
open up for mummy.

Spike:  I won't have you feeding me like a child, Dru. (wheels around 
the table)

Angelus:  (comes in) Why not? She already bathes you, carries you around 
and changes you like a child.

Drusilla:  Why, Angel. (he smiles at her) Where have you been? The sun 
is almost up, and it can be so hurtful. (looks at Spike) We were 

Spike:  No, we weren't.

Drusilla:  You must forgive Spike. He's just a bit testy tonight. 
Doesn't get out much anymore.

Angelus:  Well, maybe next time I'll bring you with me, Spike. Might be 
handy to have you around if I ever need a really good parking space.

Spike:  Have you forgotten that you're a bloody guest in my bloody home?

Angelus:  (steps closer) And as a guest, (leans in) if there's anything 
I can do for you... Any... responsibility I can assume while you're 
spinning your wheels... (looks over at Drusilla) Anything I'm not 
already doing, that is.

Spike:  (shoves Angelus away angrily) That's enough!

Angelus smiles widely and giggles.

Drusilla:  Aww...

She leans down to Spike, gives him a peck on the cheek and puts the 
puppy in his lap. He holds the puppy as she steps away and goes around 
the table.

Drusilla:  You two boys... fightin' over me and all. (stops between two 
chairs) Makes a girl feel...

Suddenly she looks up and moans loudly in apparent pain. Angelus steps 
over opposite her across the table, looking concerned.

Spike:  Dru, what is it, pet?

Drusilla:  (bent over in pain, breathing hard) The air. It worries. 
Someone... an old enemy is seeking help... (Angelus throws Spike a look) 
help to destroy our happy home. (leans against a chair) Ohhhh...

Cut to a tarot shop. The camera pans across a display table with a skull 
in a covered glass bowl, a small gong hung between two horns, a pig 
fetus in formaldehyde, what looks like a large crab also in formaldehyde 
and another jar. A pricing gun waves into view and puts prices on the 
last two jars. The shopkeeper continues on to price other things.

Cut outside. Jenny walks around the railing in front of the shop and 
takes the steps down to the entrance. Cut inside the shop. She comes in 
the door and looks around. The shopkeeper looks up from his work.

Shopkeeper:  (with a Rumanian accent) Welcome. How may I serve you 

Jenny:  (faces him) Uh...

Shopkeeper:  Love potion? Perhaps a voodoo doll for that unfaithful...

Jenny:  (interrupts) I need an Orb of Thesulah.

Shopkeeper:  (drops the accent) Oh, you're in the trade. Sorry about the 
spiel, but around Valentine's Day, I get a lot of tourists shopping for 
love potions and mystical revenge of past lovers. (goes behind the sales 
counter) Sad fact is, Ouija boards and rabbits' feet, that's what pay 
the rent around here. (goes into the back) So how did you hear about us?

Jenny:  (checks out a few things) My Uncle Enyos told me about you.

Shopkeeper:  (looks out at her) So you're Janna, then. (she looks at 
him) Sorry to hear about your uncle.

Jenny:  Thank you.

Shopkeeper:  (comes back with a round wooden box) He was a good 
customer. Well, no, there you go. (sets it down and opens it) One 
Thesulan Orb. Spirit vault for the rituals of the undead. (Jenny reaches 
into her purse) I don't get many calls for those lately. (she pulls out 
her wallet) Sold a couple as new age paperweights last year. (she hands 
him a credit card) Yeah, I just love those new-agers, boy. They helped 
to (imprints the card) send my youngest to college. (fills in the form) 
By the way, you do know that the transliteration annals for the ritual 
of the undead were lost. (hands her the form and a pen) Without the 
annals, the surviving text is gibberish.

Jenny:  And without a translated text, the Orbs of Thesulah are pretty 
much useless. (signs) Yeah, I know. (hands him his copy)

Shopkeeper:  Well, I only mention it because I have a strict policy of 
no refunds. (puts the lid on the box)

Jenny:  It's okay. I'm working on a computer program to translate the 
Rumanian liturgy to English based on a random sampling of the text.

Shopkeeper:  Yecchh. I don't like computers. They give me the willies.

Jenny:  Well, (takes the box) thank you.

Shopkeeper:  You're welcome.

She takes the lid off of the box as she slowly walks toward the door.

Shopkeeper:  By the way... (she looks back) Not that it's any of my 
business, really, but, uh, what are you planning on conjuring up? If you 
can decipher the text?

Jenny:  A present for a friend of mine. (lifts the Orb)

Shopkeeper:  Really? What are you gonna give him?

She looks into the Orb and it begins to glow.

Jenny:  His soul.

                    ~~~~~~~~~~ Part 2 ~~~~~~~~~~

Sunnydale High School. Willow and Buffy are chatting as they walk along 
the sidewalk and then up the steps.

Buffy:  We'll be in hiding, probably... (inaudible)

Willow:  (inaudible)

Buffy:  Siberia.

Xander:  (jumps up behind them) Well, good morning, ladies. And what did 
you two do last night?

Willow:  We had kind of a 'pajama party sleepover with weapons' thing.

Xander:  Oh. And I don't suppose either of you had the presence of mind 
to locate a camera to capture the moment.

Willow:  I have to go. I have a class to teach in about five minutes, 
and I have to arrive early to glare disapprovingly at the stragglers. 
(sees Jenny arriving) Oh, darn. She's here. (walks off) Five hours of 
lesson planning yesterday down the drain...

Buffy:  (sees Jenny, too) You know what? I'll see you in class.

She leaves Xander, jogs up to Jenny and gets in front of her.

Buffy:  Hey.

Jenny:  Hi.

Buffy looks at Jenny a moment, then averts her eyes.

Jenny:  Uh, is there something that... Did you want something?

Buffy:  Look... I know you feel badly about what happened, and I just 
wanted to say...

Jenny looks at her expectantly.

Buffy:  Good. Keep it up.

Jenny:  (not surprised) Don't worry, I will.

Buffy:  (holds up her hand) Oh, wait. Um... (looks at her) He misses 
you. He doesn't say anything, I mean, but I know he does. And I don't 
want him to be lonely. I don't want anyone to.

Jenny:  Buffy, you know that if I have a chance to make this up...

Buffy:  (interrupts) We're... good here. Let's just leave it.

She walks away. Jenny watches her go.

Cut to the lounge. Giles is talking with a couple of students while 
searching through his briefcase for some flyers.

Giles:  I put it here somewhere. (finds the flyers)  Oh, yes, yes. 
That's it. (hands the flyers to the students) Could you, um, hang those 
up? (the students nod) Thank you. (sees Buffy arrive) Buffy. So, uh, so 
how was your night?

Buffy:  Sleepless, but no human fatalities.

Cordelia comes up to them.

Giles:  I-I found a ritual to revoke the invitation to vampires.

Cordelia:  Oh, thank goodness. I actually had to talk my grandmother 
into switching cars with me last night.

Giles:  Um, the-the-the, uh, the ritual's fairly basic, actually. It's 
just the recitation of a few rhyming couplets, burning of, uh, moss 
herbs, sprinkling of holy water... (turns down the hall)

Buffy:  (starts to follow) All stuff I have in my house.

Giles:  Hanging of crosses...

Cut to Willow's room. She nails a cross next to her French doors and 
pulls the curtain over to hide it.

Willow:  I'm gonna have a hard time explaining this to my dad.

Buffy:  You really think it'll bother him?

Willow:  Ira Rosenberg's only daughter nailing crucifixes to her bedroom 
wall? I have to go over to Xander's house just to watch 'A Charlie Brown 
Christmas' every year.

Buffy:  I see your point.

They go to her bed. Cordelia is looking at Willow's aquarium.

Willow:  Although it is worthwhile to see him do the Snoopy Dance. (puts 
down the hammer)

Cordelia:  Willow, (faces them, arms crossed) are you aware that there 
are no fish in your aquarium?

Willow frowns and whines.

Buffy:  You know, Cordelia, we've already done your car. Call it a night 
if you want.

Cordelia:  Right. Thanks. And you know I'd do the same for you if you 
had a social life.

She picks her coat up from Willow's bed and sees a blank envelope there.

Cordelia:  Oh. (picks it up) This must be for you.

She hands the envelope to Willow. Willow gives Buffy a worried glance 
and opens it. When she sees what's in it she hands it to Buffy.

Willow:  It's for you.

Buffy unfolds the paper and sees a pencil sketch of her mother sleeping.

Buffy:  Mom.

Cut to Joyce driving home in her Jeep. Cut to a view of her from the 
lawn nearing the house. As she turns into the driveway the camera pulls 
back, and Angelus' legs come into view. Joyce sees him as she pulls to a 
stop and turns off the engine. He approaches her open car window.

Angelus:  Mrs. Summers, I need to talk to you.

Joyce:  (gets out with a bag of groceries) You're Angel.

Angelus:  (pushes the door closed) Did Buffy tell you about us?

Joyce:  She told me she wants you to leave her alone.

Angelus:  I-I can't. I can't do that.

Joyce:  You're scaring her.

Angelus:  You have to help me. (she starts toward the house) Joyce... 
(follows her) I need, I need to be with her. Y-you can convince her. You 
have to convince her.

Joyce:  Look, (Angelus gets in front of her) I'm telling you to leave 
her alone.

Angelus:  You have to talk to her for me, Joyce. Tell her I need her.

Joyce:  (goes around him) Please, look, I-I just wanna get inside, okay?

She lets go of her bag with one hand and rummages in her purse for her 
keys, but she can't keep her grip on the bag, and it falls. Several 
oranges roll out and around. Angelus rights the bag and scrambles to 
pick a few of the oranges up.

Angelus:  You don't understand, Joyce. (she finds her keys) I'll die 
without Buffy. She'll die without me.

Joyce:  Are you threatening her?

Angelus:  Please... Why is she doing this to me?

Joyce:  I'm calling the police now.

She forgets the grocery bag and goes to the door. There she fumbles with 
her keys, trying to find the right one. Angelus comes up next to her. 
She finally gets the key in the door.

Angelus:  I haven't been able to sleep since the night we made love.

Joyce looks up at him in surprise.

Angelus:  I need her. I know you understand.

Joyce:  (opens the door) Just leave us alone. (rushes in)

Cut inside. He tries to follow, but comes up against an invisible 
barrier. Buffy and Willow come down the stairs. Willow reads a Latin 
verse from a book.

Willow:  'Hicce verbis consensus rescissus est.'

Translation:  By these strong unanimous words [Angelus' permission to 
enter] is rescinded.

Buffy:  (comes up to him) Sorry, Angel. Changed the locks. (slams the 
door in his face)

Cut to Jenny's classroom. She's at her desk working on the translation 
program. She takes a sip of coffee from her mug and sets it back down. 
She types a few keystrokes, then stares at the screen. Behind her Giles 
appears and stands in the doorway.

Giles:  Hello.

She startles and looks at him. Quickly she types a few keystrokes, and 
the screen changes. She turns back to him.

Jenny:  Oh! Hi.

Giles:  (steps into the room) You're working late.

Jenny:  Special project.

Giles:  Oh.

Jenny:  I spoke to Buffy today.

Giles:  Oh! Yes? (sits on her desk)

Jenny:  Mm. (looks away) She said you missed me. (plays with a pencil)

Giles:  Well, uh, she's... a meddlesome girl.

Jenny:  (looks at him) Rupert... Okay, I don't wanna say anything if I'm 
wrong, but I may have some news. Now, I need to finish up here. Could I 
see you later?

Giles:  Y-yes, yes. You could stop by my house.

Jenny:  Okay. (smiles)

Giles:  (smiles and gets up) Good. (smiles wider, then goes)

Jenny turns her attention back to her computer.

Cut to the tarot shop. The Shopkeeper turns out the light by the front 
entrance and heads toward the back. A woman holding a puppy opens the 
door and steps in.

Shopkeeper:  Sorry, honey. (blows out some candles) We're closed.

He looks up and sees Drusilla standing there.

Shopkeeper:  (nervous) W... What do you want?

Drusilla:  (looks at the puppy) Miss Sunshine here tells me you had a 
visit today. (stares up) But she worries. (looks at the shopkeeper) She 
wants to know what you and the mean teacher talked about.

Cut to later in Jenny's classroom. She's still working at her computer. 
She taps a few keys, then looks up at the screen. A percent complete 
window appears over the Rumanian text, and the bar zips across it.

Jenny:  Come on, come on...

The bar disappears, and a translation scrolls up next to the original 

Jenny:  That's it! (exhales and smiles) It's gonna work! (saves the 
result) This... will work.

She pops out an unlabeled yellow floppy disk and sets it aside by some 
books near the edge of her desk. In the mean time a hardcopy has started 
to print out. She wheels her chair over to the printer and looks it 
over. She looks up and sees Angelus sitting in a desk at the back of the 
class. She gasps and jumps out of her seat.

Jenny:  Angel... (slowly moves toward the door) How did you get in here?

Angelus:  I was invited. The sign in front of the school... 'Formatia 
trans sicere educatorum.'

Jenny:  'Enter all ye who seek knowledge.'

Angelus:  (giggles and gets up) What can I say? I'm a knowledge seeker. 
(comes toward her)

Jenny:  (frightened) Angel, I-I-I've got good news.

Angelus:  I heard. You went shopping at the local boogedy-boogedy store. 
(sees the Orb on her desk and picks it up) The Orb of Thesulah. If 
memory serves, this is supposed to summon a person's soul... from the 
ether... store it until it can be transferred.

The Orb begins to glow as he looks into it. He glances up at Jenny for 
an instant. She edges away from him.

Angelus:  You know what I hate most about these things?

Jenny screams as he heaves it into the chalkboard behind her. It 
shatters into hundreds of pieces and a lot of dust.

Angelus:  (smiles) They're so damn fragile. (loses the smile) Must be 
that shoddy gypsy craftsmanship, huh?

Jenny has backed into the wall and trembles with fear. She starts to 
inch her way toward the door. Angelus reaches over to the PC and turns 
the monitor so he can see it.

Angelus:  I never cease to be amazed how much the world has changed in 
just two and a half centuries.

Jenny has reached the door and tries to open it. It's locked. He turns 
the monitor back around.

Angelus:  It's a miracle to me. You, you put the secrets to restoring my 
soul in here...

He shoves the computer off her of desk and onto the floor. It breaks, 
and the monitor shatters and sparks and starts to burn. Angelus tears 
the printout from the printer.

Angelus:  It comes out here. (looks at the paper) 'The Ritual of 
Restoration.' Wow. This, this brings back memories.

He starts to tear the printout in half.

Jenny:  Wait. That's your...

Angelus:  Oh, my cure? (finishes tearing) No, thanks. Been there, done 
that, and deja vu just isn't what it used to be. (sees the fire) My... 
Isn't this my lucky day. The computer... (holds the paper over the 
flames) and the pages. (warms his hands) Looks like I get to kill two 
birds with one stone.

He crouches over the fire to warm himself more. Jenny starts toward the 
back door. Angelus looks back up at her sporting his game face.

Angelus:  And teacher makes three.

She starts to run for it, but Angelus roars and quickly jumps and grabs 
hold of her.

Jenny:  No!

He throws her back into the locked door, and it breaks open. She looks 
back at him, scrambles to her feet and begins to run.

Angelus:  Oh, good. I need to work up an appetite first.

Cut to the halls. Jenny comes running, opens the door to the lounge area 
and runs to another set of door to outside, but they are locked. She 
runs back into the lounge, sees Angelus coming and runs further down the 
hall. Angelus pulls open the doors and follows her at a fast walk.

Cut outside to another hall exit. Jenny bursts through the door and runs 
along the colonnade. Angelus is not far behind, and continues after her 
at a quick pace. Soon he starts to run as well. Jenny keeps running, 
checking behind her every so often. She reaches the next building and 
struggles with the door. She looks back and sees Angelus running toward 
her with an evil grin on his face. She yanks hard at the door several 
more times before it opens, and she runs in.

Cut inside the hall. Jenny pulls the door closed behind her and Angelus 
slams into it. She starts to run down the hall. Angelus has to yank at 
the door a couple of times before it opens for him, too, and he runs in 
after her. A cleaning cart is in the hall by the stairs, and Jenny grabs 
it and pushes it into Angelus. He slams into it and flies over it and 
onto the floor while she rushes up the steps.

Cut to a view down the stairs from above. Jenny runs up and out of view. 
Angelus isn't on the floor below anymore. He's nowhere to be seen.

Cut to a landing by a large arched window. Jenny runs up onto it and 
right into a waiting Angelus. She screams when he grabs hold of her. He 
chuckles and looks into her face. He puts one hand around behind her 
head and touches her lips with the fingers of his other. The view out of 
the window is of the park beyond with the palm trees lit up. A car 
drives by.

Angelus:  Sorry, Jenny, this is where you get off.

He takes his fingers from her lips and puts his hand under her chin. In 
one swift movement he twists her head and snaps her neck. Her body 
collapses to the floor. He looks up and around, breathing heavily from 
the running and the excitement.

Angelus:  Ah... I never get tired of doing that.

                    ~~~~~~~~~~ Part 3 ~~~~~~~~~~

Buffy's house. Giles steps up to the door and knocks. Willow comes to 
the door and opens it.

Giles:  Willow, good evening. (steps in)

Willow:  Hi. Come on in. (closes the door, hands him the book) Here's 
the book.

Giles:  Right. (looks the book over) I guess I should do my apartment 
tonight. (looks up) The ritual go all right?

Willow:  Oh, yeah. It went fine. Well, it went fine until Angel showed 
up and told Buffy's mom that he and Buffy had... (nervously) Well, you 
know, that they had... you know. You do know, right?

Giles:  Oh, yes. Yes. Sorry.

Willow:  (relieved) Oh, good, 'cause I just realized that being a 
librarian and all, you maybe didn't know.

Giles:  Oh, thank you. I got it.

Willow:  You would have been proud of her, though. She totally kept her 
cool. (smiles)

There is an awkward moment of silence.

Willow:  Okay, well, I'll tell Buffy you stopped by. (smiles)

Giles:  (looks up the stairs) Would you, um... Perhaps I should 
intervene on, on Buffy's behalf w-w-with her mother. Um, maybe... say 

Willow:  Sure! Like, what would you say?

Giles:  (looks up the stairs again) W... Uh...

She reaches for the doorknob and opens it.

Giles:  You will tell Buffy I dropped by? (goes out)

Willow:  You bet. (closes the door)

Cut to Buffy's room. She's sitting on her bed. Joyce is pacing, trying 
to take in what she's hearing.

Buffy:  That stuff with the Latins and the herbs, uh, he's just real 

Joyce:  (sits with her eyes closed) Oh.

Buffy:  We just thought if...

Joyce:  Was he the first? (opens her eyes) No, wait. (stands up) I don't 
wanna know. (paces) I don't think I want to.

Buffy:  Yeah. He was the first. I mean, the only.

Joyce:  (stops and looks at her daughter) He's older than you.

Buffy:  I know.

Joyce:  Too old, Buffy. And he's obviously not very stable. I really 
wish... (sits again) I just thought you would show more judgment.

Buffy:  (looks at her mother) He wasn't like this before.

Joyce:  Are you in love with him?

Buffy:  I was.

Joyce:  Were you careful?

Buffy:  (looks away) Mom, this is no time...

Joyce:  (gets up again) Don't 'Mom' me, Buffy. You don't get to get out 
of this. You had sex with a boy you *didn't* even see fit to tell me you 
were dating.

Buffy:  (nods) I made a mistake.

Joyce:  Yeah, well, don't just say that to shut me up, because I think 
you really did.

Buffy:  I know that! (looks up at her) I-I can't tell you everything.

Joyce:  How about anything? Buffy, you can shut me out of your life, I 
am pretty much used to that. But don't expect me to ever stop caring 
about you, because it's never gonna happen. I love you more than 
anything in the world. (sits next to Buffy on the bed) That would be 
your cue to, uh, roll your eyes and tell me I'm grossing you out.

Buffy:  You're not.

Joyce:  (inhales) Oh, well... (exhales) I guess that was the talk.

Buffy:  So how'd it go?

They look at each other.

Joyce:  I don't know. It was my first.

Cut to Giles' apartment. He arrives at his door looking at his keys. He 
looks up and sees a red rose on the door and can hear the music of the 
opera "La Boheme", by Puccini, coming from inside. He takes the rose, 
inhales its aroma and smiles. He opens his door and goes in. Cut inside. 
Giles pokes his head in.

Giles:  Hello?

He sees no one there, so he steps in and closes the door behind him.

Giles:  Jenny?

He puts his briefcase aside and steps over to his coat rack.

Giles:  It's me!

He takes off his coat and hangs it up. He looks around again and sees a 
chilled bottle of champagne and two long-stemmed glasses on his desk. On 
top of the crystal ice bucket is a folded piece of paper leaning against 
the bottle. He sets down his keys and the rose and takes the note. He 
unfolds it and on it is one word: Upstairs. He smiles and looks up 
toward the loft. He takes off his glasses and sets them and the paper 
down. He runs his fingers through his hair, takes the bottle, looks at 
it, takes the two glasses and starts up the stairs. The opera music gets 
louder as he nears the loft. The camera follows his footsteps as he 
climbs the stairs. There is a rose on each step. When he reaches the top 
he is smiling. He sees Jenny on the bed, but she isn't moving, and his 
smile quickly fades. The opera reaches a crescendo as he drops the 
bottle and glasses, and they shatter on the floor. He continues to look 
at Jenny's body. Her dead eyes stare back at him.

Cut to later. Giles is leaning on the wall by his front door staring 
blankly into space. The coroners take Jenny's body away. A police 
officer approaches him.

Officer:  Mr. Giles, I need to ask you to come with us. Just to answer a 
few questions.

Giles:  (still staring blankly) Of course. Yes. Procedure. (looks at the 
officer) I need to make a phone call... if that's all right.

The officer looks over at the phone and back at him, giving him tacit 

Giles:  (whispers) Yes. (goes to the phone)

Cut to Buffy's house. Angelus is looking into the dining room through 
the window from the porch. Buffy and Willow walk through it and into the 
living room.

Angelus:  (narrates) Passion is the source of our finest moments. The 
joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief.

The telephone rings, and Buffy runs back into the dining room to get it. 
She picks it up from the phone stand and turns so Angelus can see her 

Buffy:  Hello. Giles, hey! We did the, the thing. It worked. What?

As she listens to Giles her expression becomes increasingly blank. She 
lowers the phone from her ear. Willow is there now, too, and takes the 
phone from Buffy.

Willow:  Giles?

Buffy leans against the wall and slides down against it into a crouch.

Willow:  What? No! (puts the phone down) No! (begins to cry 
uncontrollably) Noooo!

Angelus gloats as he looks into the window. Joyce comes into the dining 
room when she hears the crying and holds Willow. Buffy looks off into 
space, then finally lowers her head onto her knees. Angelus smiles and 

Cut to later. Cordelia and Xander drive up to Buffy and Willow, who are 
waiting for them. Xander opens the passenger door and gets out.

Buffy:  Where's Giles?

Xander:  No luck. By the time we got to the station, (closes the door) 
the cops said he'd already left. (Cordelia closes her door) I guess they 
just wanted to ask him some questions.

Buffy:  Cordelia, will you drive us to Giles' house?

Cordelia:  Of course.

Willow:  But don't you think he wants to be left alone?

Buffy:  I'm not worrying about what he wants. I'm worried about what 
he's gonna do.

They all get into the car.

Cut to Giles' apartment. The camera sweeps down the stairs. The roses 
have all been trampled and broken. The camera turns the corner of the 
staircase and sweeps across the area below. Giles' weapons chest is open 
and almost empty. He walks across the camera's path, drawing a sword. 
The camera continues around the room, over to his old Victrola, where 
the opera record has played out but is still spinning. The camera pulls 
back past the desk where Giles has a large bag sitting open with various 
weapons stashed inside. He adds a small can of gasoline, grabs the bag 
and heads out of the apartment. The camera closes in on the desk and 
pans down to a pencil sketch of Jenny lying dead on the bed.

                    ~~~~~~~~~~ Part 4 ~~~~~~~~~~

Giles' apartment. Xander pushes the door open. A piece of yellow crime 
scene tape is stretched across the doorway.

Xander:  Hello? Giles?

He ducks under the tape and comes in. Willow and the others follow. 
Xander goes over to the desk and looks around.

Xander:  I guess Giles had a big night planned tonight.

Buffy:  (picks up the sketch of Jenny) Giles didn't set this up. Angel 
did. (hands Xander the sketch) This is the wrapping for the gift. (heads 

Xander:  Oh, man. (exhales) Poor Giles.

Willow finds the nearly empty weapons chest.

Willow:  Look, all his weapons are gone.

Cordelia:  But I thought he kept his weapons at the library.

Xander:  No, those are his, uh, everyday weapons. These were his good 
weapons. The ones he, uh, breaks out when company comes to visit.

Buffy comes back downstairs and stops on the corner landing.

Willow:  So he's not here.

Cordelia:  Well, then where is he?

Buffy:  He'll go to wherever Angel is.

Xander turns to face the girls.

Willow:  That means the factory, right?

Cordelia:  So Giles is gonna try to kill Angel then?

Xander:  Well, it's about time somebody did.

Willow:  Xander!

Xander:  I'm sorry, but let's not forget that I hated Angel long before 
you guys jumped on the bandwagon. So I think I deserve a little 
something for not saying 'I told you so' long before now. And if Giles 
wants to go after the, uh, (looks up at Buffy) fiend that murdered his 
girlfriend, I say, 'Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!' (looks back at Willow 
and Cordelia)

Buffy:  You're right.

Willow and Cordelia look up at Buffy.

Xander:  Thank you.

Buffy:  (takes the rest of the steps down) There's only one thing wrong 
with Giles' little revenge scenario.

Xander:  And what's that?

Buffy:  It's gonna get him killed.

Cut to Spike's warehouse. Angelus is being lectured.

Spike:  Are you insane?! We're supposed to kill the bitch, not leave gag 
gifts in the friends' beds.

Drusilla:  (cuddles her puppy) But, Spike, the bad teacher was going to 
restore Angel's soul.

Spike:  What if she did? If you ask me, I find myself preferring the old 
Buffy-whipped Angelus. This new, improved one is not playing with a full 
sack. (gets a look from Angelus) I love a good slaughter as much as the 
next bloke, but his little pranks will only leave us with one incredibly 
brassed-off Slayer!

Angelus:  Don't worry, roller boy. I've got everything under control.

A Molotov cocktail swooshes in and bursts on the table, setting it 
ablaze. Drusilla runs away with Spike wheeling right behind her. They 
stop out of reach of the flames. Angelus cuts across at the end of the 
table and gets hit in the shoulder with a crossbow bolt. He grabs it to 
pull it out while looking to see who his attacker is. Giles walks toward 
him with a baseball bat. Angelus pulls the bolt out and throws it aside. 
Giles puts the end of the bat into the flames, and it catches fire. He 
swings it and hits Angelus in the face, then again on the return swing. 
Angelus staggers and bends down.

Angelus:  Jeez, whatever happened to wooden stakes?

Giles whales on Angelus' back several times. Drusilla makes a move to 
intervene, but is held back by Spike.

Spike:  Uh-uh. No fair going into the ring unless he tags you first.

Angelus stands back up, but Giles swings the bat into his face twice 
again, making him fall once more. He continues beating on him, making 
Angelus collapse all the way to the floor. Angelus tries to get up, but 
Giles swings into his jaw from underneath. He wields the still burning 
bat over his head, but as he brings it down Angelus catches it, and they 
begin to struggle. Angelus quickly gains the upper hand, and takes Giles 
by the throat, lifting him off of his feet. He drops the bat.

Angelus:  All right. You've had your fun. But you know what it's time 
for now?

He gets kicked in the back by Buffy and lets Giles fall to the floor. 
She pulls him back and slams him into the spiral staircase.

Buffy:  My fun.

She kicks him in the face and then shoves him onto the floor. Drusilla 
quickly wheels Spike away. Buffy kicks Angelus in the face again as he 
tries to get up, and then lunges at him. He grabs her, flips her over 
and tries to get away up the stairs. Buffy gets back to her feet fast 
with Giles' dropped baseball bat in hand and pushes it between the stair 
railings to trip Angelus up. He falls and she grabs one of his legs. He 
kicks out at her with it and knocks her off of him and onto the floor. 
He scrambles up the stairs. Buffy gets up quickly. She sees a stack of 
crates, runs up it to the catwalk above, and meets Angelus there. He 
swings at her, but she ducks and kicks him in the back of the knee, 
making him collapse onto the railing. She grabs a loop of rope, throws 
it around his neck and yanks him back and forth between the railings 
several times, then kicks him in the chest, making him stagger back and 
fall onto his butt. He gets up fast, but she grabs onto a pipe above her 
head and swings with both feet into his chest again, making him fly back 
into a barrel and some ducting. She waits on the catwalk for him to come 
at her again, ready to fight. He charges, and she takes him and diverts 
him past her and onto the catwalk grating, where he lands with his head 
against one of the vertical railing bars. She kicks his face, and 
follows up with several punches and another kick. He starts to laugh as 
she grabs him by the coat and bangs his head into the railing a couple 
of times.

Angelus:  Are you gonna let your old man just burn?

She looks down and sees the flames getting higher and nearer to Giles. 
Angelus takes advantage of the distraction and grabs her legs, lifts her 
and throws her over the railing. She manages to control her fall and 
land on her feet near Giles. Angelus takes off down the catwalk and out 
of the building. Buffy wakes Giles and gets him to his feet, and she 
supports him as they make their way from the building also. Cut outside. 
They both come out coughing from the smoke. He pushes her away from him.

Giles:  Why did you come here?! This wasn't your fight!

She punches him in the jaw, and he spins and falls to the pavement.

Buffy:  Are you trying to get yourself killed?!

She begins to cry and crouches down to hug him. He cries and hugs her 

Buffy:  You can't leave me. I can't do this alone.

Cut to Giles' apartment building. Cut to his door, still with the crime 
scene tape across it.

Angelus:  (narrates) It hurts sometimes more than we can bear.

Giles tears the tape from his doorway and just stares at it for several 

Angelus:  (narrates) If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know 
some kind of peace. But we would be hollow.

Giles enters his apartment.

Angelus:  (narrates) Empty rooms, shuttered and dank...

Cut to the cemetery. The camera pans across a small pond.

Angelus:  (narrates) Without passion, we'd be truly dead.

The camera pans past Jenny's gravestone. Giles kneels down and lays some 
flowers on her grave. He looks at her name on the headstone for a moment 
before standing back up. Buffy is there next to him.

Giles:  In my years as... Watcher... I've buried... too many people. But 
Jenny was the first I've loved.

Buffy:  (looks up at him) I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't kill him for 
you... (looks down at the grave) for her... when I had the chance.

Cut to a shot of the gravestone. It reads just 'Jennifer Calendar'.

Buffy:  I wasn't ready.

Cut to Jenny's classroom. The students all wait at their desks for the 
teacher to arrive. Willow walks in and stands at the front of the room.

Buffy:  (voiceover) But I think I finally am.

Willow:  Hi. Principal Snyder asked me to fill in for Ms. Calendar... u-
until the new computer science teacher arrives. So I'm just gonna stick 
to the lesson plan she left.

She walks around to the front of the desk and looks over the books and 
things that are there.

Buffy:  (narrates) I can't hold on to the past anymore. Angel has gone. 
Nothing's ever gonna bring him back.

Willow puts down her own books, and in the process nudges a few books 
aside a little. As a result the yellow disk that Jenny had set next to 
the books gets pushed off of the edge. It falls between the desk and the 
small filing cabinet next to it. It hits the floor and spins around a 
few times before coming to rest leaning against the side of the cabinet.

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