This Year's Girl - SlayerFest
This Year's Girl

By Douglas Petrie
Transcribed by Nick MB
No infringement of anyone's rights intended, this entire script is the
intellectual property of Joss Whedon, Douglas Petrie and company.

Faith beating up a vampire.

Faith: I'm Faith.

Giles (VO): Previously on Buffy The Vampire Slayer...

Mayor's Office.

Mayor: Open your present.

Faith: (Opens it, takes out knife) This is a thing of beauty, boss.

Mayor: That look on your face is my reward.

Giles: (VO)We have a rogue Slayer on our hands. I can't think of
anything more dangerous.

Buffy fighting Faith on a rooftop. Buffy punches her then plunges a
knife into her gut. Shot of truck below. Faith falls onto it.

Cut to: Hospital. Faith in a bed looking ill. Mayor next to her bed.

Doctor: It's a wonder she's alive at all with the blood loss. There's
virtually no chance that she'll ever regain consciousness.

Buffy fighting in a room.

Riley: You're really strong. I like it.

Walsh standing next to Adam on a bed.

Walsh: I've worked too long... too long to let some little bitch
threaten this project.

Giles' apartment. Giles talking to Buffy.

Giles: Maggie Walsh...set you up?

Cut to Buffy in a dark room.

Buffy (VO): Maggie wanted me dead didn't she?

Buffy tries blaster. Doesn't work.

Door slams behind her.

Cut to Adam's room. Walsh being skewered from behind by Adam.

Walsh: Adam.....

Walsh slumps to ground.

Adam: Mommy.

Initiative. Riley to Forrest.

Riley: Why does it bug you so much that I'm hanging with her?

Forrest: It bugs me that she's using you to infiltrate our operation.

Riley: You saying she's a spy?

Cut to Riley, shaking and looking ill.

Riley: I don't know what's going on...who the bad guys are...

Cut to Riley and Buffy fighting Adam.

Riley is injured by it. Forrest picks him up.

Forrest: Escort them out.

Carries Riley off.

Riley: Buffy....

Buffy watches him being taken away. Screen fades to white.

Faith and Buffy making a bed. Folding clean sheet.

Buffy: They smell good don't they?

Faith: What?

Buffy: Clean sheets. Like summer.

Faith: I wouldn't know.

Buffy: Right. I forgot.

Faith: I noticed.

Buffy: I wish I could stay, but...

Faith: Oh, you have to go.

Buffy: That's just what...

Faith: Little sis coming. I know.

Buffy: So much to do before she gets here.

They walk around to end of bed.

Buffy: Now I really have to...

Faith: So go. Don't let me keep.

Blood drips from Faith onto bed.

Fait: Damn. Just when we'd made it so nice. (They look at knife in
Faith's gut) Are you ever gonna take this thing out?

Lingering shot of knife. Buffy rips it out. Faith flinches.

Cut to hospital monitors showing heart beat etc.

Across to Faith lying in a bed. Still asleep. Lighting strikes.

Credits begins.

Xander's basement. Xander looking at blaster.

Xander: So, here it is. The latest in state-of-the-art combat
technology. I gotta say, it doesn't look that complicated.

Buffy: So can you repair it?

Xander: Sure. As soon as I get my master's degree in advanced starship
technology. (Slams down blaster.)

Willow: Well, why don't we experiment? Press some buttons, see what

Giles: I'd like to veto that.

Xander: Second. It's called a blaster, Will, a word that tends to
discourage experimentation. Now, if it were called the Orgazmater, I'd
be the first to try your basic button press approach.

Buffy: Just tell me. Can you repair it or not?

Xander: I'm working on it, I'm working on it. (Continues to work on
it) I blow a whole in my mom's exterior patch then the neighbours will
not be pleased.

Buffy sits down with face in her hand.

Giles: Are you alright? (Goes to sit next to her) You've been
patrolling round the clock for three days straight now. I thought you
could use some...

Buffy: What? Some rest? There's a demonoid killing machine out there
Giles, it doesn't only work the night shift.

Giles: I was going to say perhaps you could use some backup, but you mention it, building up your strength may not be a bad

Buffy: Just get the blaster working. That's all the strength I need.

Willow: Are you sure?

Buffy: Why? Because ray guns aren't in the Slayer handbook? Well, you
haven't seen this Adam thing. He's the Terminator without the bashful
charm. He's deadly, and the last time we met, he kicked my ass.

Willow: Oh no, blast away, by all means. I only word about

Comes and sits with Buffy.

Buffy: They keep telling me that he's fine. That's all they'll say.

Willow: Maybe they're telling the truth.

Buffy: Maybe. I don't even know what the Initiative's version of
"fine" is. I mean, they could be forcing him back onto medication or
torturing him for all I know.

Giles: From what we've seen, I doubt they'll be trying to hurt him.

Buffy: The only thing I know for certain is that my boyfriend is
locked away and I'm not helping.

Lots of sparks come out of blaster. Xander recoils.

Willow: Maybe Giles has a point. I mean, Riley is their top gun
guy. Doesn't make sense that they'd hurt him.

Buffy: All I know is that the Initiative has all those brain-washy,
behaviour modification guys.

Willow: So?

Buffy: So what happens when they start not liking his behaviour?

Cut to Initiative infirmary. Riley's hand reaches for piece of Buffy's
bandana. Gets out of bed, grunts in pain. Pulls a shirt on. Starts to
walk out of the room. Guard comes towards him.

Riley: Stand down, soldier. (No response) Stand down before I put you

Forrest comes over.

Forrest: (To guard) You heard the man. At ease.

Looks at Riley. Riley returns the look, then starts to walk away.

Forrest: The shish kebab that walks like a man. Looks like you're
feeling better. Walking around, threatening people and all that.

Riley: He was in my way. I got places to be.

Forrest: Really. And where were you thinking of going?

Riley: You know where I'm going.

Forrest: (Sighs) Don't even tell me you're headed to that girlfriend
of yours. (Gets in Riley's way) Look at you. One good injury and
you're back in intensive care to stay.

Riley: You wouldn't understand.

Forrest: How about you explain it to me then?

Guard comes up behind them.

Guard: We all friends here fellows?

Forrest: Absolutely. Riley here was about to explain why he's leaving
us so very quickly.

Riley: I don't explain. Because I don't have to. I'm the one in

Forrest: Things change.

Riley: Do they?

Forrest: Hey! In case you failed to notice, we're in a world of hurt
around here. Now's the time for us to band together, not go flying off
our separate ways.

Guard: Forrest has a point, Riley.

Forrest: We have a problem, we deal with that problem. You know, the
most important part of the equation now is that we keep said problem
within the family.

Riley: Family? Is that what we are? Step aside.

Forrest stares him down.

Cut to Faith's hospital bed. Slowly moving towards her from high

Quick flash of sun above trees.

Back to bed. Continue to move towards her. Then longer shot of trees,
moving camera down the ground. Cut back to bed, now quite close to
her. Further shot of trees, then goes black. Close up of her face in
the bed.

Faith (VO): Think it's gonna rain?

Cut to Faith and Mayor having a picnic in the park.

Mayor: Nonsense. It's a beautiful day. Now eat your sandwich.

Faith: I dunno. It just always seems like it starts raining about now.

Mayor: You're too young and too pretty a girl to start wearing worry
lines on your face. (Picks worm off blanket) Hey there, little
fella. I dunno where you belong, butit's not here with us. (Chuckles)
There you go. (Puts the worm back in the soil. Talks to Faith again)
Y'see, there's nothing gonna spoil our time together. Who wants cheese
cake? (Chuckles)

Faith looks down and smiles, then suddenly looks up behind the Mayor.

Faith: NO!

Buffy comes up behind the Mayor. Runs him through with Faith's knife.

Buffy: (To Faith) I told you I had things to do.

Faith looks terrified and crawls away.

Cut to her lying in bed again. Zoom in further.

Cut to Scooby Gang looking for Adam at night.

Willow: Spread out.

Buffy: Not too far.

Xander: So not a problem.

Buffy walks around a tree. Shines torch upwards and sees horribly
mutilated body in the tree. Rest of group see it. Cut to basement.

Buffy: I've never seen anything like that.

Xander: And I can go a long healthy stretch without seeing anything
like that again.

Willow: It had to be Adam who killed it, but why?

Buffy: He's studying biology. Human, demon, whoever he can get his
hands on and take apart.

Willow: He's finding out what makes things work.

Xander: I really don't want to be around for the final exam.

Buffy: It's not coming to that. The Initiative created this thing and
they can't stop it. But we will.

Xander: Question: Will hiding in a cavern with stockpiled chocolate
goods be any part of this plan?

Buffy: No.

Xander sits next to Willow.

Xander: (To Willow) Told you.

Willow: What's first?

Buffy: Riley. I'm not leaving him down there with the people that
created this thing. I don't care how many guns they have, I'm going
in. Okay. Will, I need you to hack into their security mainframe and
buy me a ten minute shut down of operation systems.

Willow: That could be...

Buffy: Tricky. Not impossible. If you can't do it online, then use
magic. Xander, any gear you've been saving for a rainy day, I want you
to give to me.

Xander: You want stealth stuff?

Buffy: No, we tried sneaking in. This time, we're gonna use force. I
figure I'll go in through the elevator shaft, use the cable as
towlines. Then blast open the facility doors and find the infirmary.

Riley: Am I really worth all that?

Buffy: (Spins around) Riley! (Hugs him. He flinches) Oh God, I'm
sorry! Did I hurt you?

Riley: No, a giant skewer through the rib cage hurt me. That was just
a reminder.

Buffy: How did you get out?

Riley: I walked.

Willow: They didn't try to stop you?

Riley: Oh, they did. Repeatedly. But then I told them they couldn't
keep me without a major ass-kicking, one way or another. So here I am.

Xander: That's.....great...Riley, and y'know...there's no polite way
to ask you this, but...uh....did they put a chip in your brain? (Looks
at his head)

Riley: Beg your pardon?

Buffy: Forget it. We're just happy to have you back.

Willow: Yeah, we were pretty worried about you for a while, mister.

Riley: Me too. Hey, I know my behaviouir was pretty out there...

Willow: Forget it. Tell you what, you two crazy kids take down a
killer cyber demon hybrid thingy and we'll call it all even.

Riley: Taking down Adam's gonna be tough. There's no way to predict
what he'll throw at us.

Buffy: You're here. Whatever comes, we can handle.

Cut to dark street.

Fait running down it looking very afraid. Buffy walking after her.

Faith runs through a graveyard.

Cut back to Faith asleep in hospital.

Cutto graveyard. Noises all around Faith. Buffy getting closer
wielding Faith's knife.

Cut to Faith asleep, zoom closer to her face.

Cut to Buffy still walking after Faith, then to her asleep, then to
Faith running through the graveyard and falling into an open
grave. Buffy comes up to it and looks down at her. Buffy falls away
and the screen fades the black. Shot of the ground near the grave,
then Faith claws her way out of the hole and looks up into the stormy

Cut back to hospital bed. Faith's eyes snap open.

Fade to Commercial Break.

Faith lying awake listening to hospital noises. Looks at monitors,
then at tube in her hand. Lifts hand up and clenches it into a fight

Far shot of bed. Faith throws the covers aside, rips out the monitor
cable and leaves. She is pulled back by tube in her hand.

Faith: (Yanks it out) Owch.

Faith walks down the corridor. Woman comes up to her.

Woman: Excuse me. You know how to get to third floor west?

Faith: What?

Woman: I need some help or something?

Faith: Graduation.

Woman: What?

Faith: Graduation. I gotta get to Sunnydale High School graduation

Woman: Well, you can't. I mean, Sunnydale High School isn't even there

Faith: What day is it?

Woman: Friday.

Faith: What date? The date.

Woman: February 25th.

Faith: What year?

Woman: Maybe I should get you a nurse...

Faith: What happened to the school?

Woman: Don't you just wanna....

Faith: Just tell me.

Woman: Well, it was a tragedy really. Lots of students died. The
Principal, the Mayor. I really think maybe I should get you some help.

Closeup of Faith's face.

Cut to Faith walking outside the hospital wearing the woman's clothes.

Buffy (VO): Y'know, I never stopped thinking about you.

Cut to Buffy and Riley.

Riley: Me neither. All I had in there was this one little part of
you. (Gives her bandana piece)

Buffy: It's just the scarf part of me really.

Riley: Sure it is. Just knowing you were out there...that you
cared...I think we're being watched.

Buffy: I dunno. Does the Initiative do that?

Riley: Maybe.

Buffy: You seem a little...somewhere else. Is there anything I can do?

Riley: Give me an order. That's what I do isn't it? Follow orders.

Buffy: You don't have to.

Riley: Don't I? All my life that's what I've been groomed to do. They
say jump, I ask "How high?", I get the job done. Just don't know if
it's the right job anymore.

Buffy: I know how you feel. Giles used to be part of this Council. And
for years all they ever did was give me orders.

Riley: Ever obey them?

Buffy: Sure. The ones I was going to do anyway. The point is, I quit
the Council. And I was scared. But it's okay now.

Riley: Now, see, that's where you and I are different. I just suck at
the whole gray area thing.

Buffy: It's a choice. Go back in there and make some changes from the
inside. Or you can quit the team, fight demons in your own way.

Riley: You make it sound so simple. I don't even know what my way is.

Buffy: Well, it's time to find out.

Riley: I'm a soldier. I got a way, which one of them?

Buffy: Good man. (They kiss. She sits in his lap, kisses him again.)

Riley: What're you doing?

Buffy: I am looking for brain washy chips in your head.

Riley: Heh....finding any?

Buffy: Not sure. But I should probably keep looking just in
case. You've been strong long enough, Riley Finn. I'm here for
you. And we're gonna find this demon, and we're gonna kill it
together. And in the mean time, you are gonna stop torturing yourself.

Riley: Sure about that?

Buffy: It's an order. (They kiss again)

Cut to hospital. Doctor talking to nurse. Police officer watching.

Doctor: What do you mean she just wasn't there?

Nurse: I don't know. I came to check the monitors like I always do at
eight o'clock. Eight o'clock is my shift, I got here on time.

Officer: You found the bed in this condition?

Nurse: Haven't touched a thing.

Doctor: Get the duty rosters and check the log. I wanna know exactly
what happened. Coma patients do not just get up and walk away.

Nurse: We are checking every room on every floor.

Officer: Walk me through this one more time. You knew this woman was
wanted for questioning on a series of murders and there's no security
on this wing?

Doctor: You don't understand. There's no way that girl was gonna wake

Officer: Doctor...

Doctor: This can't be happening...

Nurse2 comes in.

Nurse: Did you find her?

Nurse: Another woman, unconscious and badly beaten. And she's been

Officer, Doctor and Nurse2 leave in a hurry. Nurse goes to phone,
dials a number.

Nurse: (Into phone) It's happened. Send the team.

Cut to Faith walking through streets, gets to window of Giles'

Giles: (From inside) The problem for me seems to be why Adam ahs
stayed dormant as long as he has.

Willow: When he's not making performance art out of other demons, that

Riley: He's probably working off an autonomic power source. And
because he's straight out of the box, he needs to charge up a while.

Shot of Faith at window.

Buffy: Okay, what's he charging up for?

Xander: Based on the clues, I'll go with killing spree.

Riley: And that's a best case scenario. I suppose a little fire power
would be a good idea right now. (Activates blaster Xander had been
messing with, much to Xander's amazement)

Xander: Hey! How'd you do that? Is there like an On/Off button
somewhere here?

Riley: Blasters are easy. Adam won't be.

Willow: Since Professor Walsh designed it, any chance she left
instructions lying around somewhere? (As she says this, Buffy kisses
Riley and Faith reacts)

Buffy: Well, if she did, they're gonna be in the Initiative. (Faith
continues to stare at Buffy and Riley)

Giles: Which we can't get into without mounting a major offensive.

Riley: Speak for yourself. (All look at him.) I'm just saying.

Giles: I must admit, a man on the inside would be...

Buffy: A really good idea. Are you sure you wanna be double agent guy.

Riley: I'm not exactly sure what you'd call me, but I will share
information. (Faith is still looking at Riley.) It's the least I can

Xander: Riley's right. It is the least we can do.

Phone rings. Giles answers it.

Giles: Hello. What? Yes, she is. (Motions to Buffy)'s for you.

Buffy: (Looking surprised)Hello? (Faith watches her expectantly) What
sort of emergency? (Looks unhappy) No, I haven't. (Faith leaves) Thank
you, I'll let you know. (Puts phone down)

Giles: What is it?

Buffy: It's Faith. She's awake. (All look surprised) She beat someone
up, took her clothing and disappeared out of the hospital. No-one
knows where she is.

Xander: I'd say this qualifies for a "Worst Timing Ever" award.

Willow: What do we do?

Giles: Well, we have to find her.

Willow: What about Adam?

Xander: I'd hate to see the pursuit of a homicidal lunatic get in the
way of persuing a homicidal lunatic.

Buffy: Well, Faith's not exactly low-profile girl. I'll patrol and
wait for her to make a move.

Giles: But then what?

Willow: Oooh! I have an idea! Beat the crap out of her!

Xander: Good plan.

Buffy: Good on paper. But we still have a decision to make. Do we hand
her over to the cops? They wouldn't know what to do with a Slayer even
if they knew we existed.

Willow: What about the Council?

Xander: Been there. Tried that. Not unlike smothering a forest fire
with napalm as I recall.

Giles: Well, the Initiative, they do have containment facilities.

Xander: One word: Evil.

Buffy: There's no way around it. Faith is back, and whether I like it
or not, she's my responsibility.

Willow: Yeah, too bad. That was out first coma ever.

Buffy: We have no idea where she is. We don't know what she's
thinking, what she's feeling...

Xander: Who she's doing.

Buffy: She could be terrified. Maybe she doesn't even remember. Or
maybe she does and she's sorry and she's alone hiding somewhere.

Giles: Well, perhaps there's some form of rehabiliatation we just
haven't thought about.

Willow: And if not, ass-kicking makes a solid plan B.

Buffy: I'm not going to rule it out. First thing, we need to find
her. Then we can take it from there.

Riley: Who's Faith?

Cut to University campus the next day. Buffy and Willow walking along.

Willow: What did you tell him?

Buffy: The truth? That she's my wacky identical cousin from England,
and whenever she visits hi-jinks ensue?

Willow: It's good you guys have such an honest relationship.

Buffy: No, I told him the story. I vagued up a few bits, but no
flat-out lies.

Willow: That's fair. How'd you handle the Angel-y parts?

Buffy: I did some editing. It's not that I'm trying to hide anything
from Riley, it's just that's a longer conversation, and I had a
Faith-hunt to do.

Willow: Any luck?

Buffy: Couldn't find her. Don't know exactly where to place that
little up-continuum.

Willow: At least you're not alone on this. I bet every cop in
Sunnydale is out there looking for her right now.

Buffy: Pressure's definitely on. I'm telling you, if I were her, I'd
get outta Dodge post hasty.

Faith turns from looking at the noticeboard.

Faith: But you're not me.

Fade to Break.

Faith: So, check you out B. Nice, the big girl on campus thing's
really working for you.

Buffy: I've been looking for you.

Faith: I've been standing still for eight months, B. How hard did you

Buffy: Are you alright?

Faith: Five-by-five. It's that thing about a coma. Wake up all rested
and rejuvinated. And ready for payback.

Buffy: So much for pleasantries, huh?

Faith: What did you think, I'd wake up and we'd go for tea? You tried
to gut me, bonny.

Buffy; You'd have done the same to me if you'd had the chance.

Faith: Lets have another go at it. See who ends on top.

Buffy: It doesn't have to be like this, y'know.

Faith: Actually, I think it has to be exactly like this.

Buffy: Faith, these are innocent people.

Faith: No such animal.

Buffy: I guess it was too much to hope that you'd use your downtime to
reflect and grow.

Faith: I could say the same about you. I mean, you're still the same
better-than-thou Buffy. I mean, I knew it somehow. I kept having this
dream, I'm not sure what it means, but in the dream the self-righteous
blond chick stabs me, and you wanna know why?

Shot of Willow taking her backpack off her shoulders.

Buffy: You had it coming.

Faith: That's one interpretation, but in my dream, she does it for a

Willow comes towards Faith from behind her, wielding the bag.

Faith: (To Willow) Try it red, and you'll lose an arm. (Back to Buffy)
I wake up to find the blond chick isn't even dating the guy she was so
nuts about before. I mean, she's moved on to the first college
beefstick she meets. Not only has she forgotten about the love of her
life, but she's forgotten about the chick she nearly killed for
him. So that's my dream. That and some stuff about cigars and a
tunnel. But tell me, college girl, what does it mean?

Buffy: To me? Mostly, that you still mouth off about things you don't
understand. (Sirens) Uh-oh. I guess somebody knows you're here.

Faith punches Buffy around the face. They fight as the Police
approach. Willow attacks Faith from behind, she turns and is grabbed
by Buffy. She breaks free.

Faith: You took my life, B. Payback's a bitch.

Willow: Look who's talking.

Faith: See you around.

Faith runs off, throws a police officer aside, runs over their car and
runs over a field pushing people aside with Buffy in pursuit. Faith
leaps over a wall. Buffy looks over it to find Faith has disappeared.

Cut to a staircase at University. Willow and Tara going down them.

Willow: Thanks for ocming with. Hunting for a psychopathic superbitch
is definitely in the above and beyond category.

Tara: It's okay, really. So, what do we do if we find her?

Willow: Run, flee, maybe skedadlle. We're not here to engage. This is
strictly recon.

Tara smiles.

Willow: What?

Tara: You said "recon". You're like "Cool Monster Fighter"!

Willow: Well, technically, Faith isn't a monster. And as far as
fighting, I'd be lucky to bruise her fist with my face.

Tara: Oh.

Willow: What?

Tara: Face-punching, I'm not so good with the whole..(Imitates
throwing punches rather badly)

Willow: Swimming?

Tara: Violence.

Willow: Don't worry, we're sure to spot Faith first. She's liek this
cleavagy slut-bomb walking around "Ooh, check me out, I'm wicked-cool,
I'm five-by-five."

Tara: Five-by-five? Five what by five what?

Willow: See, that's the thing. No-one knows. Buffy can handle Faith
and you're plenty safe with me.

Tara: So, um.......we recon till nightfall?

Willow: Then the ritual hiding begins.

Cut to Xander and Giles in the streets looking for Faith.

Xander: The point being I could be the target here. Faith finds
Mr. Xander Harri still in town, she goes tighter than cat gut. Got a
lotta pent up feelings there. I'm only saying.

Giles: (Wearily) Yes, I'm sure.

Xander: See, I can't be held responsible for the effect I have on

Giles: No...

Xander: See, Faith and I have this little thing between us called

Rattling. They look around. Xander charges the blaster. They go
towards the sound. Spike comes out of the darkness.

Xander: Spike?

Giles: What are you doing here?

Spike: Me? Hey, I'm not the one out of place here.

Xander: For your information, smarty, we've got a rogue Slayer on our
hands. Real psycho-killer too.

Spike: Sounds serious.

Giles: It is. What do you know?

Spike: What do you need?

Xander: Her. Dark hair. Yay (Indicates) tall, name of Faith,
criminally insane.

Giles: Have you seen her?

Spike: Is this bird after you?

Xander: In a bad way, yeah.

Spike: Tell you what I'll do then. I'll head out, find this girl, tell
her exactly where you are and then watch as she kills you. (Sees their
looks of surprise and irriatation.) Can't any one of your damn little
Scooby club at least try to remember that I hate you all? Just because
I can't do the damage myself doesn't stop me from aiming a loose
cannon your way. And here I thought the evening be dull.

Xander: Go ahead. You wouldn't even recognise her.

Spike: Dark hair, this tall (Indicates), anme of Faith, criminally
insane. Like this girl already.

Xander and Giles watch him leave.

Xander: We're dumb.

Cut to another new woman watching Police helicopters flying
around. Pan around. Faith is walking around the streets. About to go
into a shop selling blades. See a police car coming around the
corner. She ducks into a corner. Some kind of monster comes up to her.

Monster: Faith! Your friend sent me. I got a little rememberance from

She beats the monster up and takes the case from him. Then another
police car comes around the corner. She goes quickly up a ladder,
dodging his searchlight. Once up the ladder she opens the case.

Mayor: Hello Faith. If you're watching this tape, it can only mean one
thing. I'm dead. And our noble campaign to bring order to the town of
Sunnydale has failed. Utterly and completely. But on the other hand,
heck, maybe we won. And right now, I'm on some jumbo monder in the
Richard Wilkins surrounded by a bunch of kids sitting Indian style and
looking up at my face filled with fear and wonder. (Laughs) "Hi kids!"
(Faith smiles) But the realist in me tends to doubt it. Now, Faith, as
I record this message you're sleeping. And the doctors tell me you
might never wake up. I don't believe that. Sooner or later you will
wake up, and when you do, you'll find the world has gone and changed
on you. I wish I could make the world a better place for you to wake
up in. But, tough as it is to accept, we both have to understand that
even my power to protect and watch over you has it's limits. See, the
hard pill to swallow is that once I'm gone, your days are just plain
numbered. Now, I know, you're a smart and capable young woman in
charge of her own life, but the problem, Faith, is that there won't be
a place in the world for you anymore. By now I bet you're feeling very
much alone. But you're never alone. You'll always have me. (Picks up
box) And you'll always have this. Go ahead. Open the box. (Faith takes
box from the case and looks at it.) Don't worry. It's not gonna
bite. That's my job. (Laughs) Go ahead. Open it. (She does so)
Surprise! You won't find these in any gumball machine! See, when
you've been around as long as I have, you amke friends. And some of
them forge neat little gizmos. Just like the one you're holding right
now. (She looks at it) And here's the good news. Just because it's
over for my Faith, doesn't mean she can't go out with a bang. (He
looks down and laughs sadly. Faith looks sadly at the device.)

Buffy (VO): She's a very dangerous woman.

Cut to Buffy's dorm. Buffy and Riley talking.

Riley: Okay, I get it. Faith bad. Do I look like I'm arguing?

Buffy: Not yet. But you always make that innocent face right before
you start.

Riley: Figured it out, huh? Damn. It took my mom twelve years to catch
that one. All I'm saying is, if you're in trouble, I wanna help.

Buffy: You can't.

Riley: Give me one reason why.

She throws him a ball. He barely catches it and flinches in pain.

Buffy: That's one.

Riley: Alright, I'm not exactly action guy, but there's gotta be
something I can do other than sit around waiting for you to pummel
this gal.

Buffy: Riley, the fact that you just called Faith a "gal" only proves
that you don't know her.

Riley: Never seen anyone get under your skin this way before. What
exactly did she do to you?

Buffy: It's a long story.

Riley: I'm from Iowa. We drive four hours for our High School football
game. Try me.

Buffy: I told you, okay? She hurt me and people I care about. And did
I mention the psycho killer part?

Riley: There's something you're not telling me.

Buffy: Riley, I have to go. She's out there.

Riley: Alright. I'm just saying. I think you're holding out on me.

Buffy: Riley, this isn't a joke. There's a criminally insane woman out
there with super-powers who thinks I'm responsible for ruining her
life. I know Faith. She'll come after me and she'll come after the
people I love.

Cut to Joyce Summers' house. Knock on the door. Joyce goes to answer
it. It's Faith.

Faith: Hi Joyce.

She pushes Joyce down, comes in and shuts the door.

Faith: Mind if I come in.

Fade to Commercial Break.

Faith going through Joyce's makeup drawer.

Faith: Ruby sunset....burgendy skyline...harlot. Mmmmmmm, way to go
Joyce. Now, normally I wouldn't be going for something this dark. But
I read in some magazine that eight months in a coma will damage a
girl's natural skin tone. (Puts on lipstick) Good thing pale is in
this year.n Or was it last year? (Finishes, kisses mirror.) Anyway,
for real now. I wanna ask you something, and I want you to promise to
be honest, and to not spare my feelings just because I could kill
you. You promise?

Joyce: I promise.

Faith: OK. (Finishes with hair) How do I look? (Poses)

Joyce: Psychotic.

Faith: Mmmmmmm. I was shooting for sultry, but hey. Bet I know what
you're thinking.

Joyce: Really.

Faith: You're thinking "You'll never get away with this!" Moi?

Joyce: Actually I was thinking "My daughter is going to kill you

Faith: That a fact?

Joyce: More like a bet.

Faith: Whoa. You got a pair on you, Joyce, I like seeing that in a
woman your age. Guess you can afford to talk that way. I mean, in the
world according to Joyce, Buffy is gonna come crashing through that
door any minute. But, look what I found. (Goes over and picks up some
letters, comes over to Joyce. Reads adresses.) Buffy Summers, Buffy
Summers, Buffy Summers, Buffy, Buffy, Buffy. Lotta letters. She hasn't
been by in a while, huh? And you'd think, with a crazy chick like me
on the loose, crazy chick with a wicked grudge against her no less,
she'd call, give you a heads up. But Buffy's too into her own deal to
remember dear old mom.

Joyce: You don't know the first thing about Buffy. Or me.

Faith: Don't I? I know what it's like. You think you matter, you think
you're a part of something and you get dumped. It's like the whole
world is moving and you're stuck. It's like those animals in the tar
pits. It's like you just keep sinking a little deeper everyday and
no-one even sees.

Joyce: Were you planning to slit my throat any time soon?

Faith: Don't tell me you don't see it Joyce. You've served you
purpose, squirted out the kids, raised her up, and now you might as
well be dead. Nobody cares, nobody remembers, especially not Buffy
fabulous superhero. Sooner or later you're going to have to face
it. She was over us a long time ago Joyce. Too busy climbing onto her
new boytoy to give a single though to the people that matter. I mean,
you're her mother, and she just leaves you hear to die. (Grabs knife)

Buffy crashes in through the window and punches Faith.

Buffy: Hi mom.

Joyce: Hi honey.

The fight continues. As the Slayers fall downstairs, Joyce calls 911.

They roll down the stairs and clmaber to their feet.

Faith: Thought I'd go after the queen marine didn't ya? He's a
cutie. Looks like he could use a good roll in the sack.

Buffy attacks Faith and knocks her down.

Buffy: You're not his type. He's not big on sleaze.

They fight and Faith gets Buffy against a wall by the neck.

Faith: He's probably just never tried it.

Buffy: Going for the boyfriend again? That's tired.

Faith: Just something to remember me by once I've moved on.

They fight and Faiht is thrown across the table.

Buffy: Ever occur to you, Faith, that the reason we forgot you is
because we wanted to?

Faith smashes stuff and throws it at her.

Cut to Giles entering his apartment. Finds some guy waiting for him.

Guy: Hello Rupert.

Giles looks shocked. Guy looks calm.

Cut back to fight. Faith attacks Buffy, then hears the Police and
tries to run.

Buffy blocks her and punches her around. Faith opens the Mayor's
device and blocks one of her punches with it. Small energy
discharge. When it stops, both Buffy and Faith look shocked. Then
Buffy punches Faith out. Joyce comes to her.

Joyce: You okay?

Buffy: All things considered.

Joyce: (Sees Mayor's device) What is that?

Buffy: Weapon of some kind. (Crushes it underfoot) Didn't work,
whatever it was.

Police come.

Joyce: Oh, the Police.

Buffy looks at Faith.

Buffy: She's their problem now.

Joyce: You sure you're okay?

Buffy: Five-by-five.

Lingering shot of Buffy's face.


This Year's Girl

Transcribed by Joseph B

Written by: Doug Petrie

Directed by: Michael Gershman

Originally aired: February 22, 2000

Disclaimer: This is a transcript intended for anyone who cannot watch
BTVS for whatever reason, to enjoy, as well as those who think
transcripts are just cool, and as reference material for fanfic
writers.  Buffy and all copyrighted characters are the product of Joss
Whedon and I have nothing but respect for him and those whose hard
work is put into bringing us a great show.  I did this of my own free
time and will never make a dime from it.

Now let me add.  If you are looking at this transcript, save it, copy
it, send it to your friends.  Unlike other transcribers, who I have
nothing but respect for, if you see any mistakes that might be in this
transcript, feel free to correct them, or if you just want to
personalize it to suit yourself, by all means. Hell I do it.

~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue ~~~~~~~~~~

Fade to white.

A white sheet descends and we see Buffy draping it over a bed.  She is
in her bedroom at home making her bed.  Through the windows it looks
like its late afternoon as sunlight shines into the room.

Buffy: (smoothing the edges) They smell good, don't they?

The camera pulls back and we see Faith on the other side of the bed,
matching Buffy's movements.

Faith: What?

Buffy: (smiling) Clean sheets.  Like summer.

Faith: I wouldn't know.

Buffy: (stops smiling) Right.  I forgot.

Faith: I noticed.

Buffy: (hesitantly) I-I wish I could stay, but . . .

Faith: Oh, you have to go.

Buffy: It's just with . . .

Faith: (knowingly) Little sis coming.  I know.  So much to do before
she gets here.

They've worked their way to the foot of the bed now and are beside
each other.

Buffy: (regretfully) Now I really have to--

Faith: So go.  Don't let me keep--

She stops as she hears something.  She looks down and sees that two
drops of blood have hit the sheet, a dark red on the clean white.  Two
more drops quickly follow.

Faith: (looks at Buffy) Damn.  Just when we made it so nice.

She straightens and looks down at her body as she faces Buffy.  She
lifts her eyes to meet Buffy's, whose expression has suddenly become

Faith: (concerned) Are you ever gonna take this thing out?

She indicates to her abdomen.  Close up of Buffy's hand wrapped around
the handle of Faith's large knife; the one Buffy had stabbed her with
(*Graduation Day).  We cannot see the blade because most of it is in
Faith's stomach and blood is seeping from the wound.

Buffy's face is emotionless as she gazes into Faith's eyes.  A second
later, she suddenly jerks the knife upwards.  Horrified, Faith opens
her mouth in a silent scream.

Cut to a close up: the screen of a heart monitor.  It is beeping
steadily with the heartbeat it's monitoring.  The camera pans to show
us a drab, blue wall with the paint peeling showing plaster.  The room
is dimly lit.  There is an IV stand next to the bed, the tube leading
to the comatose patient lying there.

Faith is in a room that obviously doesn't see much human presence.
From a window we cannot see, lightning flashes outside and splashes
across her face.

Faith continues to sleep.

Wolf's howl.  Buffy theme and credits roll.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part One ~~~~~~~~~~

Fade in.  Close up of an Initiative taser rifle.  The top panel of the
weapon is off and hanging to the side, trailing wires, as Xander
examines the inside with a pair of pliers in his hand.

Xander: So.  Here it is.  The latest in state-of-the-art combat
technology.  I gotta say it doesn't look that complicated.

The camera pulls back and we're in Xander's basement.  He has the
weapon on the counter.  Willow is standing next to him with tools in
her hands should he need them.  Buffy is standing behind them.  Behind
her, Giles is seated on the couch folding a basket of laundry on the
coffee table.

Buffy: So can you repair it?

Xander: Sure.  Just as soon as I get my masters degree in advance
starship technology.

Frustrated, he drops the pliers on the counter and lets the rifle fall
on its side.

Willow: Well, why don't we experiment? (eagerly) Press some buttons,
see what happens.

Giles: (folding a pair of boxers) Uh, I-I'd like to veto that.

Xander: Second.  It's called a blaster, Will.  A word that tends to
discourage experimentation.  Now if it were called “the orgasminator”
I'd be the first to try you basic button-press approach.

Buffy: Just tell me, can you repair it or not.

Xander: I'm working on it.  I'm working on it.

Buffy turns and walks towards the couch.  Xander rights the rifle
again and picks up a screwdriver.

Xander: But if I blow a hole in my mom's azalea patch the neighbors
will not be pleased.

Buffy sits down on the couch and rests her head on the palm of her
hand, tiredly.

Giles: You all right? (he moves to sit closer to her) You've been
patrolling around the clock for three days straight.  Perhaps you can
use some--

Buffy: (lifts her head) What?  Some rest?  There's a demonoid killing
machine out there, Giles, that doesn't really work the night shift.

Giles: I was going to say, perhaps you could use some back-up, but, um
. . . now you mention it.  Gathering your strength might not be a bad

Buffy: (to Xander) Just get the blaster working.  That's all the
strength I need.

Willow: Are you sure?

Buffy: Why, because rayguns aren't in the Slayer Handbook?  Will, you
haven't seen this Adam thing.  H-he's the Terminator without the
bashful charm.  And he's deadly.  And the last time we met he kicked
my ass.

Willow: Oh-- no!  Blast away, by all means.  I only meant . . . No
word about Riley? (sits down in a chair next to the sofa)

Buffy: (sits back, crossing her arms) They keep telling me that he's
fine.  That's all they'll say.

Willow: Maybe they're telling the truth?

Buffy: (worried) Maybe.  I don't even know what the Initiative's
version of fine is.  They could be forcing him back onto medication
and torturing him, for all I know.

Giles: From what we've seen I doubt they'll be trying to hurt him.

Buffy: The only thing I know for certain is that my boyfriend is
locked away, and I'm not helping.

Cut to Xander.  His back is to us.  He's leaning over the blaster when
it suddenly lets out a big spark.  He does a short electrocuted dance
as he holds it in his hands and a puff a smoke is rising from the gun.

Willow: (unaware of this) Maybe Giles has a point?  I mean, Riley is
their Top Gun guy.  Doesn't make sense that they'd hurt him.

Xander has let go of the blaster and turns to face the others with a
wide-eyed “I just hurt myself” expression on his face.  He's wavering
on his feet, still feeling the effects of the shock, and sees nobody
noticed what happened.  Without a word he turns around and picks up
the weapon again to continue working on it.

Buffy: The Initiative has all those brainwashy behavior modification

Willow: So?

Buffy: So what happens when they start not liking his behavior?

Cut to Initiative: medical ward.  Close up of Buffy's red scarf lying
on a counter.  Riley's reaches out to take it and closes his fist
around it.  His right hand is bandaged up.  The camera pans and we see
him lying on a bed.  His abdomen is also heavily bandaged.  He pushes
himself to a sitting position, groaning and putting a hand against the
wound in his side.  After taking a couple of breaths he stands up,
grabbing a shirt, and puts it on as he heads out.

Cut to the door leading into the infirmary.  There is a soldier
standing guard.  At Riley's approach he turns around a stands in front
of the doorway.

Riley: Stand down, soldier.

Riley starts buttoning up his shirt and a second later realizes that
the guard hasn't moved.

Riley: (conversationally) Stand down before I put you down.

The soldier still doesn't move and before we can find out what Riley
would've done about that, Forrest walks up.

Forrest: (to soldier) You heard the man.  At ease.

The soldier returns to his original position.  With a glance at
Forrest, Riley steps out of the doorway and starts walking down the
corridor with a noticeable limp.  He continues to button his shirt.
Forrest falls into step with him.

Forrest: The shish kebab that walks like a man.  Looks like you're
feeling better, walking around, threatening people, and all that.

Riley: Man was in my way.  I got places to be.

Forrest: Really?  And where were you thinking of going?

Riley: You know where I'm going.

Forrest: (exasperated sigh) Don't even tell me you're heading toward
that girlfriend of yours. (steps out in front of him) Look at you.
One good conjugal visit and you're back in intensive care to stay.

Riley: You wouldn't understand.

Forrest: (crossing his arms) How ‘bout you explain it to me, then?

Graham walks up from behind Riley.

Graham: We all friends here, fellas?

Forrest: (looking at Riley) Absolutely.  Riley here is about to
explain why he's leaving us so very quickly.

Riley: I don't explain.  Because I don't have to.  I'm the one in

Forrest: Things change.

Riley: Do they?

Forrest: Hey!  In case you failed to notice, we're in a world of hurt
around here.  Now's the time for us to band together.  Not go flying
off our separate ways.

Graham: Forrest has a point, Riley.

Forrest: We have a problem, we deal with that problem.  You know the
most important part of the equation now is that we keep said problem
within the family.

Riley: Family?  Is that what we are? (a beat) Step aside.

Forrest doesn't look like he's about to do that, but unfortunately we
have to--

Cut to Faith's room.  An overhead closing shot of her lying in the
bed.  It alternates with another shot of a cloudy sky, as thunder
cracks, threatening rain.  The sun can be seen trying to shine
through.  Camera pans down to a tree line of a spacious park.  Close
up of Faith.  Her pupils are moving under her closed eyelids.

Faith: (VO) Do you think it's gonna rain?

Cut to Faith, in the park, laying on a picnic blanket, barefoot.  She
is wearing a light blue shirt and a bright pink skirt.  Mayor Richard
Wilkins is laying on the other side of the blanket, eating a sandwich.
Faith is just picking at the grapes on her own plate.

Wilkins: Nonsense.  It's a beautiful day.  Now eat your
sandwich. (wipes his mouth with a napkin)

Faith: I don't know.  It's just . . . it always seems like it starts
raining right about now. (eats a grape)

Wilkins: You're too young and too pretty a girl to start wearing worry
lines on your face.

He sits up as he sees something.

Wilkins: Well, hey, hey hey.

Picks up a small grass snake that was slithering across the blanket.

Faith frowns as she sees it.

Wilkins: Hey there, little fella.  Heh.  I don't know where you
belong, but it's not here with us. (chuckles as he sets it down
pointing towards the grass) There you go. (to Faith) You see?  There's
nothing that's gonna spoil our time together.  Who wants cheesecake?
(light laugh)

Faith smiles as he turns to open the picnic basket.  Horror suddenly
fills her expression.

Faith: NO!

Buffy is suddenly standing in front of Wilkins.  She's in black
clothes and a long dark coat.  She has Faith's knife in her hand and
swings the blade down across his throat, and he gags.  Before he can
fall she thrusts the knife into his chest.  She pulls it out and lets
him fall and her emotionless gaze fixes on Faith.

Buffy: I told you I had things to do.

Faith is terrified and starts backing away.  In a panic, she turns and
flees on her hands and knees.  Buffy is holding the blood-covered
knife raised at the elbow and calmly stalks after her.

Cut to the woods.  Night time.  Buffy, Willow, and Xander are on
patrol, each carrying a flashlight.

Willow: Spread out?

Buffy: Not too far.

Xander: So not a problem.

Willow and Xander split from Buffy as they reach a clump of bushes.

The camera pulls back as we track Buffy's progress.  Behind her we see
two trees and a pair of red legs, with clawed feet, tied to them.
Willow and Xander's flashlights are visible on the other side of the
trees.  Buffy hears a crackling sound a turns.  Her eyes widen as she
looks up.  Willow and Xander are already gaping at the sight of the
crucified demon (looked like a Fyarl) suspended high between the two

Buffy shines her light on the body and sees the demon was eviscerated.
It was sliced down the middle from its neck to lower abdomen, its
flesh pulled open wide and also tied to the trees.  We see that all
the internal organs have been removed and the ribcage and spine are
clearly visible.  The demon must have been sliced open on the back as
well because Willow and Xander's lights can been seen shining through
the creature from behind.  The crackling sound is a fire (we can't
see) burning inside the open cavity and smoke is rising from the

Later.  In Xander's basement.  Buffy is pacing.  There's a faraway
look on her face as she fidgets with her necklace.  Xander is leaning
against the wall close to the couch.

Buffy: I've never seen anything like that.

Xander: And I can go a long healthy stretch without seeing anything
like that again.

Willow is sitting on the couch, knees drawn up, hugging her legs.

Willow: It had to be Adam who killed it.  But why?

Buffy: (faces her) He's studying biology.  Human, demon-- whatever he
can get his hands on and tear apart.

Willow: Wondering what makes things work.

Xander: I really don't want to around for the final exam.

Buffy: It's not coming to that.  The Initiative created this thing and
they can't stop it.  But we will.

Xander: Question.  Will hiding in a cabin with stockpiled chocolate
goods be any part of this plan?

Buffy: No. (resumes pacing)

Xander sits down next to Willow.

Xander: (to Willow) Told you.

Willow gives him a sideways glance and drops her feet to the floor.

Willow: (to Buffy) What's first?

Buffy: Riley.  I'm not leaving him down there with the people that
created this thing.  I don't care how many guns they have, I'm going
in. (sits down on the edge of the recliner) Okay.  Will, I need you to
hack into the security mainframe and buy me a ten minute shut-down of
operation systems.

Willow: That could be--

Buffy: --tricky.  Not impossible.  If you can't do it on-line then use
magic.  Xander, any gear you've been saving for a rainy day, I want
you to give it to me.

Xander: You want stealthy stuff?

Buffy: No, we tried sneaking in.  This time I'm gonna use force.  I
figure I'll go in through the elevator shaft and use the cable as tow
lines.  Then blast open the facility doors and find the infirmary.

Riley: (grinning) Am I really worth all that?

Buffy looks over her shoulder and sees Riley standing behind her at
the foot of the stairs.

Buffy: Riley!!

She hurries to him and hugs him.  He responds in pain, clutching his

Riley: OH!

Buffy: (pulling away) Ooo!  God, I'm sorry!  Did I hurt you?

Riley: No.  A giant skewer through the ribcage hurt me. (taking her
hands) That was just a reminder.

Buffy: (shaking her head in disbelief) How did you get out?

Riley: I walked.

Willow: They didn't try to stop you?

Riley: Oh, they did.  Repeatedly. (holding Buffy's hand they step
closer to the others) But, uh, then I told them they couldn't keep me
without a major asskicking.  One way or another.  Here I am.

Xander: (clasps hands loudly) That's.  Great.  Riley. (gets up to
stand in front of him) And, you know, there's no polite way to ask you
this, but . . . uhhh . . Did they put a chip in your brain? (staring
at Riley's head)

Riley: (frowns) Beg your pardon.

Buffy: Forget it.  We're just happy to have you back.

Xander returns to his seat.

Willow: (grinning) Yeah.  We were pretty worried about you there for
awhile, mister.

Riley: Me too.  Hey-- Look, I know my behavior was pretty out there.

Willow: Forget it.  Tell you what.  You two crazy kids take down an
unstoppable killer cyborg-demon-hybrid thingy and, uh, we'll call it
all even.

Riley: Taking down Adam is gonna be tough.  There's no way to predict
what he'll throw at us.

Buffy: (happy) You're here.  Whatever comes, we can handle.

Cut to Faith, running for her life through the trees, looking over her
shoulder.  It is nighttime.  She emerges from the trees and races
across the street to a cemetery.  We see she's no longer wearing her
bright clothes.  She's wearing a dark jean jacket over a red tank top,
black leather pants, and heavy boots.

Cut to Buffy.  She's still the same as we last saw her, holding the
large knife in her hand.  She is calmly walking through the trees
after Faith.  Faith is making her way through the many headstones,
running as fast as she can.  But it doesn't seem as if she's putting
any distance between herself and Buffy.  Buffy has already walked
across the street.

**Cut to close up of Faith lying in her bed.  Her closed eyelids are

Cut back to Faith running through the cemetery.  She looks over her
shoulder and there is a close up of Buffy's knife hand.  She seems to
be catching up with her.

**Faith's closed eyes are moving more rapidly now.

Close up of Buffy's emotionless face.  She tilts her head slightly and
her eyes have a glazed over look as if she's not really seeing Faith.
Breathing hard, trying to run faster, Faith almost hits a headstone.
She stumbles, looking over her shoulder, and, before she can regain
her balance, suddenly falls into an open grave.  Buffy steps up to the
edge and looks down into the grave.

Faith is looking back up at her.  Frightened.  Helpless.

Buffy takes a step forward and drops into the grave, out of sight.  At
the same time, thunder crashes and it starts to rain heavily.
From the grave we hear Faith grunt and the knife striking flesh.  Then

A hand reaches out of the grave and clutches the edge.  Faith's head
rises as she grabs another handful of wet grass and struggles to pull
herself out.  The rain is already soaking her when she finally stands
up.  She pushes her hair out of her face with her hands, trying to
catch her breath.

Cut to overhead shot of Faith standing a few feet away from the grave
looking up at the sky, rain hitting her face.  A burst of angry
lightning attacks the sky, illuminating Faith and the ground around
her.  Raising her arms, Faith cries out at the world.

**Faith's eyes open.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part Two ~~~~~~~~~~

Faith slowly turns her head to the side and sees the monitor beeping
with her heart.  She raises her left hand in front of her face.  It's
bandaged at the wrist where an IV line is feeding her through a vein.
She closes her hand in a fist.

Cut to overhead shot.  Faith grabs the covers, pulled up to her
stomach, and throws them off.  As she sits up she grabs the wires and
pulls the leads off her chest and the heart monitor flatlines.  She
stands and the IV line tugs on her arm.  She rips it from her wrist
and throws it on the bed.

Faith: (soflty) Ouch.

Cut to Faith stepping around a corner, holding her wrist.  The
corridor is very much like the room she was just in.  Dark, secluded,
ugly walls. (slight “Jacob's Ladder” feel to it) We see a close up of
her bare feet padding silently over the cracked linoleum as she
continues slowly down the hall.  A faded female voice can be heard
over the PA system somewhere up ahead.  Except for Faith, the wing
seems deserted.  Hospital equipment: boxes, lunch carts, gurneys; line
both walls, set there for storage or just forgotten.

At the end of the hall is a double door with an EXIT sign above it.
She's still several yards from it when one of the doors open and a
young woman steps into the corridor.  She's wearing a long red coat
over her clothes and is carrying a small, just-purchased, teddy bear
in her arm.

Young woman: Excuse me.  Do you know how to get to the third floor
west from here?

Faith stops as the girl walks up to her.

Faith: Uh, um . . . What?

She notices Faith's hospital gown.

Young woman: I see . . .  Um, you need some help or something?

Faith: Graduation.

Young woman: What?

Faith: (sternly) Graduation.  I gotta get to Sunnydale High School
graduation *now.*

Young woman: Well, you can't!  I mean, Sunnydale High School isn't
even there anymore.

Faith: (a beat) What day is it?

Young woman: Friday.

Faith: What . . . date?  The date?

Young woman: February twenty-fifth.

Faith: (pause) What year?

Young woman: Maybe I should get you a nurse--

Faith: (raising voice) What happened to the school?

Young woman: Don't you just want a--

Faith: Just . . . tell me.

Young woman: Well . . . it was a tragedy, really.  Lots of students
died.  The Principal.  The mayor.

Faith doesn't seem to be listening anymore as the camera pulls in
close on her face.  She just stares at the girl.

Young woman: I really think maybe I should get you some help.

We suddenly cut to Faith walking in quick strides down the ramp from
the hospital entrance.  She's wearing the young woman's clothes.

Buffy: (VO) You know, I never stopped thinking about you.

Faith crosses her arms and a smile plays on her lips just before she
steps out of frame.

Cut to Buffy's dorm room.  She's sitting on her bed, legs folded under
her, and Riley is standing in front of her.

Riley: Me neither.  All I had in there was (he reaches into his back
pocket and pulls out her red scarf) . . . this one little part of you.

Buffy: It's just the scarf part of me, really.

Riley: I'm serious. (turns and paces the room) Just knowing you were
out there.  That you cared.

He turns around again and walks to the window, stuffing the scarf back
in his pocket.

Riley: Do you think we're being watched?

Buffy: I don't know.  Does the Initiative do that?

Riley: (looking out the window) Maybe.

Buffy: You seem a little . . . somewhere else. (takes his hand) Is
there anything I can do?

He sits down on the bed next to her.

Riley: (sighs) Give me an order.  It's what I do, isn't it?  Follow

Buffy: You don't have to.

Riley: Don't I?  All my life that's what I've been groomed to do.

They say jump, I ask how high?  I get the job done.  Just don't know
if it's the right job anymore.

Buffy raises a hand to touch his cheek.

Buffy: I know how you feel.  Giles used to be a part of this council.
And for years all they ever did was give me orders.

Riley: Ever obey them?

Buffy: Sure. (a beat) The ones I was going to do anyway.  The point
is, I quit the council.  And I was scared.  But it's okay now.

Riley: See.  Now that's where you and I are different.  I just suck at
the whole gray-area thing.

Buffy: It's a choice.  Go back in there and maybe make some changes
from the inside.  Or you can quit the team.  Fight demons in your own

Riley: You make it sound so simple.  I don't even know what my way is.

Buffy: Well, it's time to find out.

Riley: I'm a soldier.  Take that away, what's left?

Buffy: (smiles) A good man.

She leans in and kisses him on the lips.  She swings her leg over his
lap and sits straddled across his thighs.  She starts running her
fingers through his hair, putting kisses all over his head.

Riley: What are you doing?

Buffy: I . . . am looking for brainwashy chips in your head.

Riley: (laughs) Finding any?

Buffy: Hmmm, not sure. (looks into his eyes) But I should keep
looking, just in case.  You've been strong long enough, Riley Finn.  I
am gonna help you.  And we're gonna find this demon. And we're gonna
kill it together.  (she actually makes this sound more romantic than
it reads) And in the meantime you are gonna stop torturing yourself.

Riley: Sure about that?

Buffy: It's an order.

This time the kiss is longer and deeper.

Cut to Faith's hospital room.  A doctor is facing a middle-aged nurse,
who is standing beside the empty bed.  There is a plainclothes
detective standing on the other side of the bed.

Doctor: So what do you mean she just wasn't there?

Nurse: I don't know.  I came to check the monitors like I always do at
eight o'clock.  Eight o'clock is my shift.  I got here on time--

Detective: You found the bed in this condition?

Nurse: Haven't touched a thing.

Doctor: Get the duty rosters and check the log.  I want to know
exactly what happened.  Coma patients do not just get up and walk

Nurse: We are checking every room on every floor.

Detective: (to the doctor) Walk me through this one more time.  You
knew this woman was wanted for questioning in a series of murders.
There's no security on this wing?

Doctor: You don't understand.  There's no way that girl was gonna wake

Orderly: (OS) Doctor!

Doctor: This can't be happening.

The orderly appears in the doorway.

Nurse: (to the orderly) Did you find her?

Orderly: Another woman.  Unconscious and badly beaten.  And she's been

The doctor exchanges a glance with the detective and they follow the
orderly out of the room.  The nurse remains behind but steps out of
the room.  She lifts the receiver of a phone on the wall nearby.  She
punches a few buttons.

Nurse: (into the phone) It's happened.  Send the team.

Cut to exterior shot of the ruins of Sunnydale High School.  Cut to a
closing shot of Faith standing in the meadow across the street,
hugging the red coat around herself, she looks forlornly at the

Cut to Main Street, in town.  Many people are out tonight, walking up
and down and across the street.  Faith looks lost as she walks down
the middle of the street, looking at the places and people around her.
A small girl is pulling on her father's hand as they cross the street
ahead of her to the movie theater.

Little girl: Dad, come on.  We're gonna be late.

Nobody seems to take any notice of Faith as she continues down the

Cut to later.  Faith is walking down the steps to the courtyard of

Giles' apartment building.  She creeps quietly towards his front door.

Giles: (inside) The puzzle, it seems to me, is why Adam has stayed
dormant as long as he has?

She ducks under the small window next to his door and peeks inside.

Willow: (inside) When he's not making performance art out of other
demons that is.

She sees Buffy leaning against the mantle of the fireplace.  Riley is
sitting on a chair close to her.  Giles is rousing the fire with an
iron poker and Willow and Xander are sitting on the couch.

Riley: He's probably working off an autonomic power source.  Because
he's straight out of the box he needs to charge up awhile.

Buffy: Okay.  What's he charging up for?

Giles disappears into the kitchen.

Xander: Based on the clues, I'll go with killing spree.

Riley: And that's a best-case scenario.  I suppose a little fire power
would be a good idea right now.

He picks up the blaster from the coffee table and flips a switch.
Small lights on the side of the weapon start blinking as it charges
up, ready to fire.

Xander: (surprised) Hey!  How'd you do that? (he hurries around the
table and grabs the weapon out of his hands and tries to find the
switch) Is there like an on/off button somewhere in here?

Riley: Blasters are easy.  Adam won't be.

Buffy sits down on the arm of Riley's chair putting an arm around his
shoulders.  Faith watches as she kisses him on the temple.

Willow: Since Professor Walsh designed it, any chance she left
instructions lying around somewhere?

Buffy: Well, if she did, they're going to be in the Initiative.

Giles has returned with a tea tray and sets it down on the table.

Giles: (pouring) Which we can't get into without mounting a major

Riley: Speak for yourself. (everybody looks at him) (a beat) I'm just

Giles: I must admit, a man on the inside would be, uh . . .

Buffy: A really good idea.  Are you sure you want to be double-agent

Riley: I'm not exactly sure what you'd call me but . . I will share
information.  It's the least I could do.

Xander: Riley's right.  It is the least he can do.

The phone rings and Giles crosses the apartment to his desk to answer
it.  Faith moves slightly away from the window as he gets closer.

Giles: Hello.  Y-yes, she is. (holds the phone towards Buffy) Uh, it's
for you.

Buffy gets up and Giles meets her next to the couch and hands her the

Buffy: Hello.  Speaking.  What sort of emergency?

She listens and her expression becomes solemn.

Buffy: Um . . . no, I haven't.

She starts walking towards the desk.  Faith backs away from the window
and leaves.

Buffy: Thank you.  I'll let you know.

She hangs up the phone.  Everyone is looking on with concern.  She
doesn't turn around.

Giles: What is it?

Buffy: It's Faith.  She's awake. (turns to face them) She beat someone
up, took her clothing, and disappeared out of the hospital.  No one
knows where she is.

Xander: I'd say this qualifies for a “worse timing ever” award.

Willow: What do we do?

Giles: Well, we have to find her.

Willow: What about Adam?

Xander: I'd hate to see the pursuit of a homicidal lunatic get in the
way of pursuing a homicidal lunatic.

Buffy: Well, Faith's not exactly low-profile girl.  I'll patrol and
wait for her to make a move.

Giles: And then what?

Willow: Oh!  I have an idea.  Beat the crap out of her. (grins)

Xander: Good plan!

Buffy: Good on paper.  But we still have a decision to make.  Do we
hand her over to the cops?  They wouldn't know what to do with a
Slayer even if they knew we existed.

Willow: What about the Council?

Xander: Been there.  Tried that.  Not unlike smothering a forest fire
with napalm, as I recall.

Giles: Well, the Initiative, they do have containment facilities.

Xander: One word.  Evil.

Buffy: There's no way around it.  Faith is back and, whether I like it
or not . . . she's my responsibility.

Willow: Yeah, too bad.  That was funnest coma ever.

Xander nods in agreement.

Buffy: We have no idea where she is.  We don't know what she's

thinking, what she's feeling.

Xander: (spiteful) Who she's doing.

Buffy: She could be terrified.  Maybe she doesn't even remember?

Or-or maybe she does and-and she's sorry and she's alone, hiding


From their expressions it's obvious Giles, Willow, and Xander don't

share this theory.

Giles: Uh, perhaps there's some form of rehabilitation we just haven't

thought about?

Willow: And if not.  Asskicking makes a solid plan B.

Buffy: I'm not gonna rule it out.  First thing-- we need to find her.

Then we can take it from there.

They all agree with this and fall silent.

Cut to Riley where he's still sitting quietly on the other side of the


Riley: (pause) Who's Faith?

Cut to UC Sunnydale the next day.  The sky is cloudy.  Looks like it

rained during the night.  Buffy and Willow are walking across the busy

campus on the main walkway.  They're descending a short flight of


Willow: What did you tell him?

Buffy: The truth.  That she's my wacky identical cousin from England

who whenever she visits hijinks ensue.

Willow: It's good you guys have such an honest relationship.

Buffy: Nah, I told him the story.  I-I vagued up a few bits, but no

flat out lies.

Willow: That's fair.  How'd you handle the Angel-ly parts?

Buffy: I did some editing.  It's not that I'm trying to hide anything

from Riley, it's . . . just that's a longer conversation and I had a

Faith hunt to do.

Willow: Any luck?

Buffy: Couldn't find her.  Don't know exactly where to place that in

the luck continuum.

Willow: At least you're not alone on this.  I bet every cop in

Sunnydale is out there looking for her, right now.

They descend another flight of steps as they approach the large

bulletin board where several students are standing.

Buffy: Pressure is definitely high.  I tell you, if I were her I'd get

out of Dodge post-hasty.

A young woman with dark hair casually turns around in front of them

and Buffy suddenly finds herself face to face with Faith.

Faith: (stoic) You're not me.

Off Buffy's surprised face, we fade to commercial.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part Three ~~~~~~~~~~~

Fade in.  Elevated shot.  Buffy is standing a few feet from Faith.

Faith is no longer wearing the young woman's stolen clothes, she's

wearing a style more her own type (though probably still stolen).

Faith looks her up and down as Buffy steps closer.

Faith: (smiling) So.  Check you out, B.  Nice.  The big girl on campus

thing's really working for you.

Buffy: (cautiously) I've been looking for you.

Faith: (still smiling) I've been standing still for eight months, B.

How hard you look?

Buffy: Are you all right?

Faith: Five by five.  Best thing about a coma, you wake up all rested

and rejuvenated and ready for payback.

Buffy: (tensely) So much for pleasantries, huh?

Faith: (smile becomes dangerous) What'd you think?  I'd wake up and

we'd go for tea?  You tried to gut me, blondie.

Buffy: You'd have done the same to me if you had the chance?

Faith: (gamely) So let's have another go at it.  See who lands on top.

Buffy: It doesn't have to be like this, you know?

Faith: Actually, I think it has to be exactly like this.

Buffy: (indicating the people around them) Faith, these are innocent


Faith: (looking around) No such animal.

Buffy: (crosses her arms) I guess it was too much to hope that you'd

use your downtime to reflect and grow.

Faith: Could say the same about you.  I mean, you're still the same

old “better than thou” Buffy.  I mean, I knew it somehow.  I kept

having this dream --not sure what it means-- but in the dream this

self-righteous, blonde chick stabs me.  And you want to know why?

As Faith was talking, Willow removes her backpack and starts to slowly

circle behind her.

Buffy: You had it coming.

Faith: That's one interpretation.  But in my dream, she does it for a

guy-Try it, red, and you lose an arm!

She didn't even turn to look at Willow who is holding the straps of

her backpack, ready to club Faith on the head from behind.  Buffy

gives Willow a small nod and she backs off.  Faith continues.

Faith: I wake up to find that this blonde chick isn't even dating the

guy she was so nuts about before.  I mean, she's moved on to the first

college beef stick she meets.  And not only has she forgotten the love

of her life, she's forgotten all about the chick she nearly killed for

him.  So that's my dream.  That and some stuff about cigars in a

tunnel.  But, uh, (steps closer) tell me, college girl . . . what does

it mean?

Buffy: To me?  Mostly. (pissed) That you still mouth off about things

you don't understand.

Faith is no longer smiling as she glares at her.  A police siren can

be heard getting closer.

Buffy: Uh-oh.  I guess somebody knows you're here.

But Faith doesn't look like she cares about that and punches Buffy in

the face.  Buffy spins with the punch and follows through with a

backhand fist.  Faith catches her arm and knees her in the small of

her back.  She stumbles but quickly retaliates with a roundkick that

Faith ducks under.  The brunette stands back up leading with a

roundkick of her own.  Buffy blocks the kick and the following

backhand, catching Faith's arm and slams a fist across her face.

At this point their fight has gotten the attention of all the students

around them.

Cut to the police car pulling onto the walkway nearby.

On looker: (OS) Break it up!

Faith is attacking with another roundkick but Buffy blocks that as

well.  Willow swings her pack and hits Faith in the back.  It doesn't

hurt the Slayer in the slightest, but it does get her attention and

she turns on the redhead.  But Buffy shoves Faith away and puts

herself between her and Willow..

Faith: You took my life, B.  Payback's a bitch!

Willow: Look who's talking.

Faith: See ya around.

She turns and runs just as the first cop gets out of the car.  He runs

to her and Faith knocks him on his ass, not slowing down.  She hops

onto the hood of the squad car as the second cop gets out and kicks

him in the face.  She jumps off and runs through a garden of trees.

She reaches the walkway again and shoves a male student down who was

unfortunate enough to be in her way.  Behind her, Buffy rounds the

turn fast giving chase.  Faith immediately heads for the six-foot high

bordering stone wall.  She climbs over it easily and disappears on the

other side.  Buffy reaches the wall and stands on a rock to look over

it, but all she sees is a wide open prairie.  Students are walking

around, sitting on the grass studying, or just hanging out with each


Buffy doesn't see Faith anywhere.

Later that day.  Cut to student lounge.  Willow and Tara are walking

down the stairs.

Willow: Thanks, for coming with.  Hunting for a psychopathic super

bitch is definitely in the “above and beyond” category.

Tara: It's okay.  Really.

They stop on the bottom landing and Tara scans the lounge.

Tara: So, uh, what do we do if we find her?

Willow: Run.  Flee.  Maybe skedaddle.  We're not here to engage.  This

is strictly recon. (Tara giggles softly) What?

Tara: You said “recon.” You're, like, “cool monster fighter.”

Willow: Well, technically, Faith isn't a monster.  And as far as

fighting, I'd be lucky to bruise her fist with my face.

Tara: (worried) Oh.

Willow: What?

Tara: Face punching.  I'm not so good with the whole-- (throws cat-paw

punches at the air in front of her)

Willow: Swimming?

Tara stops punching, looks at her fists, then lowers them.

Tara: Violence.

They start walking across the lounge.

Willow: Don't worry, we're sure to spot Faith first.  She's like this

cleavagy slutbomb walking around going (mocking tone) “Ooh, check me

out, I'm wicked cool, I'm five by five.”

Tara: Five by five?  Five what by five what?

Willow: See, that's the thing.  No one knows.  Buffy can handle Faith

and you're plenty safe with me.

Tara: (hopefully) So, umm, we recon until nightfall?

Willow: (nods) Then the ritual hiding begins.

Tara: (worried again) Oh.

Cut to shot of Sunnydale.  Nighttime.  Cut to Giles and Xander walking

down a sidewalk somewhere in town.  We can see Xander is carrying the

blaster, keeping it hidden (rather poorly since we can see it) under

his big coat.  Xander seems to be in “share mode.”

Xander: The point being, I can be the target here.  Faith finds

Mr. Xander Harris still in town, odds are she goes tighter then cat

gut.  Got a lotta pent up feelings there . . . I'm only saying.

Giles: (not really interested) Yes, I'm sure.

Xander: See, I can't be held responsible for the effect I have on


Giles: (half-heartedly) No.

Xander: You see, Faith and I have this little thing between us called


They stop as they hear a noise from down the alley they are crossing

in front of.  Xander raises the blaster and switches it on as they

start walking into the alley.  In the dark they see someone lighting a

cigarette with a zippo.  The person flips the lighter closed and Spike

steps out into the light and sees them.

Xander: (lowering the blaster) Spike.

Giles: What are you doing here?

Spike: Me?  I'm not the one out of place here.

Xander: For your information, smarty, we've got a rogue Slayer on our

hands. (turns the blaster off) Real psycho-killer, too.

Spike: (concerned) Sounds serious.

Giles: It is.  What do you know?

Spike: (helpfully) What do you need?

Xander: Her.  Dark hair, yea tall.  Name of Faith.  Criminally insane.

Giles: Have you seen her?

Spike: Is this bird after you?

Xander: In a bad way.  Yeah.

Spike: Tell you what I'll do then.  Head out, find this girl, tell her

exactly where all of you are, and then watch as she kills you. (he


Giles and Xander just stare at him, speechless.  Spike rolls his eyes

and sighs.

Spike: Can anyone of your damn little Scooby club at least try to

remember that I HATE you all?  Just because I can't do the damage

myself doesn't stop me from aiming a loose cannon your way.  And here

I thought the evening'd be dull.

He starts his way out of the alley, deliberately bumping into Xander's

shoulder as he walks past them and takes a long drag on his cigarette.

Xander: (calling after him) Go ahead!  You wouldn't even recognize


Spike: (faces them, still walking backwards) Dark hair, this tall,

name of Faith.  Criminally insane. (turns around) I like this girl


They just stare after him as he walks off.  They look at each other.

Xander: We're dumb.

Cut to the nurse.  She's walking out of the hospital wing and there is

a bright light shining down on her.  The light is coming from the

black helicopter she's watching descend and it lands in the deserted

parking lot.  The engine idles as three men climb out of the craft.

Each one is wearing a dark leather coat and carrying a black suitcase

as they walk to the nurse.  The lead man has a quick dialogue with her

that we can't hear, then they follow her back inside.  The

helicopter's engine roars again and it takes off into the night.

Dissolve to Faith walking along Main Street again.  She stops at the

window of the sporting goods store to look at the knife display.  She

hears the sounds of a police radio and sees a squad car rounding the

corner onto the street.  There's a group of teenagers walking towards

her as well and Faith blends in with them as they cross the street

ahead of the cruiser.  When they reach the other side Faith ducks into

a nearby alley.  She stays close to the wall as the cruiser passes by

on the street.

Demon: Faith!

She looks down the dark alley and a hairy-faced demon steps out of the

shadows and walks towards her.

Demon: A friend sent me.  I got a little remembrance from him--

When he's close enough she grabs him, pulling him down so she can wrap

her arm around his neck, getting him in a forward headlock.  She jerks

on his neck and there is a crack.  She jerks a second time and there

is a louder snap that fills the alley.  She lets the dead demon fall

to the ground.  Its coat falls open to reveal a manila package.

Faith steps over him and picks the package up.  But the police car is

now cruising the back alleys and Faith quickly climbs up a fire ladder

on the side of the building.  The police halogen light sweeps across

the ladder just as her boots clear the spot and they cruise on by.

Cut to dark interior.  Panning shot of what looks like a pawn shop.

We hear a TV being turned on.  Then a video tape is being loaded into

a VCR.

Wilkins: (OS) Hello, Faith.  If you're watching this tape, it can only

mean one thing.  I'm dead.

Pan to Faith standing behind the counter watching a TV resting on it.

Cut to a shot of the TV and we see the office of Mayor Wilkins.  He's

sitting behind his desk.

Wilkins: And our noble campaign to bring order to the town of

Sunnydale has failed . . . Utterly and completely. (standing) But on

the other hand, heck!  Maybe we won. (laughs as he rounds the desk to

stand in front of it) And right now I'm on some jumbo monitor in the

Richard Wilkins Museum surrounded by a bunch of kids sitting

indian-style and looking up at my face, filled with fear and

wonder. (chuckles and leans forward) Hi, kids! (laughs)

Faith smiles knowingly at this.  Wilkins' voice takes on a serious

tone as he leans on the edge of his desk.

Wilkins: But the realist in me tends to doubt it.  Now, Faith, as I

record this message you're, uh (expression shows signs of pain)

. . . sleeping.  And the doctors tell me that you might never wake up.

I don't believe that.  Sooner or later, you will wake up and when you

do, you'll find the world has gone and changed on you.  I wish I could

make the world a better place for you to wake up in, but . . . tough

as it is to accept we both have to understand that even my power to

protect and watch over you has its limits.  See the hard pill to

swallow here is that . . . once I'm gone . . your days are just plain


Close up of Faith watching this with a sad look on her face.

Wilkins: Now I know, I know you're a--you're a smart and capable young

woman in charge of her own life.  But the problem, Faith, is that, uh,

there won't be a place in the world for you anymore.  Right now I bet

you're feeling very much alone.  But you're never alone.  You'll

always have me.  And . . .

He picks up a small black box from his desk and holds it up for the


Wilkins: . . . you'll always have this. (chuckles) Go ahead.  Open the


Faith picks up the same box from the counter and looks at it.

Wilkins: Don't worry.  It's not gonna bite.  That's my job. (laughs)

He motions to her with his hand.

Wilkins: Go ahead!  Open it!

Faith slides the panel of the box open and looks inside.

Wilkins: Surprise!  See, you don't get these in any gumball machine.

When you've been around as long as I have you make friends.  And some

of them forge neat little gizmos like the one you're holding right


Faith holds up the strange looking device to examine it.  It's shiny,

metal, and palm size with three little loose stems with rings on the


Wilkins: And here's the good news-- just because it's over for my

Faith, doesn't mean she can't go out with a bang.

He smiles sadly at her as if he can see her.

Cut to Riley's room in Lowell House.  He's looking out his window and

Buffy is locking his door.

Buffy: She's a very dangerous woman.

Riley: (grinning) Okay, I get it.  Really.  Faith bad.  Do I look like

I'm arguing?

He sits down in a chair as he watches her pace the room.

Buffy: Not yet. (picks up one of his Nerf basketballs from his desk)

But you always make that innocent face right before you start.

Riley: (smiling) Figured that out, huh?  Heh.  Damn.  Took Mom twelve

years to catch that one. (Buffy smiles briefly) All I'm saying is, if

you're in trouble I want to help.

Buffy: You can't.

Riley: Give me one reason why?

She tosses the ball to him and he automatically raises his hands to

catch it --and winces at the pain this causes him and clutches his


Buffy: That's one.

Riley: Okay.  I'm not exactly action guy.  But-- I mean, there's got

to be something I can do besides sit around here and waiting for to

pummel this gal

Buffy: Riley, the fact that you just called Faith a gal only proves

that you don't know her.

Riley: I've never seen anybody get under your skin this way before.

What did she do to you exactly?

Buffy: (pauses) It's a long story. (starts pacing)

Riley: I'm from Iowa.  We drive four hours for a high school football

game.  Try me.

Buffy: I told you.  Okay?  She hurt me and people that I care about.

And did I mention the psycho-killer part?

Riley: There's something you're not telling me.

Buffy: Riley, I have to go.  She's out there.

Riley: All right.  I'm just saying. (gets up and catches her as she's

heading for the door) I think you're holding out on me.

Buffy: Riley, this isn't a joke. (sits him down on the bed) Okay,

there's a criminally insane woman out there with superpowers who

thinks that I'm responsible for ruining her life.

It seems as if he's finally starting to realize just how serious the

situation is.

Buffy: I know Faith.  She'll come after me and she'll come after the

people that I love.

Cut to the Summers home.  Interior shot of the foyer.  There's a knock

at the door.  Joyce Summers enters the foyer from the dining room and

opens the front door.  She's shocked to see Faith standing there.

Faith: (smiling) Hi, Joyce.

Close up of Faith as she throws a punch that connects with its target.

We hear Joyce fall to the floor.  Faith steps inside looking down.

Faith: Mind if I come in?

~~~~~~~~~~~ Part Four ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fade in to Joyce's bedroom.  Faith is sitting at Joyce's vanity table

with the makeup drawer open.  She's going through the lipsticks.

Faith: Tsk, tsk.  Ruby Sunset. (drops it) Burgundy Skyline. (drops it)

Harlot.  Hmm.  Way to go, Joyce.

Cut to Joyce sitting on her bed against the headboard, hands on her

knees.  There's a shiner on her left cheek close to her eye.  She's

watching Faith with worry.

Faith: Now normally I wouldn't be going with a color this dark, but I

read in some magazine, eight months in a coma will damage a girl's

natural skin tone. (applies the lipstick) Good thing pale is in this

year. Or was it last year?

She stands up and leans forward to kiss the mirror leaving her lip


Faith: Anyway.  For real, now.

She's looking at Joyce through the mirror as she takes her jacket off

the back of the chair and puts it back on.

Faith: I'm gonna ask you something and you got to promise you'll be

honest, and not spare my feelings just ‘cause I can kill you.  You


Joyce: I promise.

Faith: Okay.  How do I look?

She turns to face Joyce.

Joyce: (pause) Psychotic.

Faith isn't angered by this.

Faith: Hmm.  I was shooting for sultry, but hey.  Bet I know what

you're thinking?

Joyce: Really?

Faith: You're thinking . . . (dramatically exaggerated voice) “You'll

never get away with this!” Warm?

Joyce: Actually, I was thinking my daughter is going to kill you soon.

Faith: Is that a fact?

Joyce: More like a bet.

Faith: (smiling) Whoa.  You got a pair on you, Joyce.  I like seeing

that in a woman your age. (steps closer to the bed) Guess you can

afford to talk that way.  I mean, in the world according to Joyce,

Buffy is gonna come crashing through that door any minute.

Joyce doesn't say anything but is trying to remain calm.

Faith: But . . . look what I found.

Faith grabs a bundle of envelopes from the table and hops onto the bed

beside her.  She starts flipping through the pieces of mail.

Faith: “Buffy Summers.  Buffy Summers.  Buffy Summers.  Buffy.

Buffy.” A lot of letters.  She, uh, hasn't been by in a while, huh?

And you'd think with a crazy chick like me on the loose --crazy chick

with a wicked grudge against her, no less-- she'd call and give you a

heads-up.  But Buffy's too into her own deal to remember dear old mom.

Faith gets up and stands in front of the bed again.

Joyce: You don't know the first thing about Buffy.  Or me.

Faith: Don't I?  I know what it's like.  You think you matter.  You

think you're a part of something and you get dumped. It's like the

whole world is moving but you're stuck.  Like those animals in the tar

pits.  It's like you just keep sinking a little deeper everyday and

nobody even sees.

Joyce: (sounding bored) Were you planning to slit my throat anytime


Faith: Don't tell me you don't see it, Joyce.  You served your

purpose.  You squirted out the kid, raised her up, and now you might

as well be dead!  I mean, nobody cares!  Nobody remembers!  Especially

not Buffy-fabulous-super-hero!  Sooner or later you're gonna have to

face it.  She was over us a long time ago, Joyce.  (voice rising to a

shout) Too busy climbing onto her new boytoy to give a single thought

to the people that matter!  I mean, you're her mother and she just

leaves you here to die!

Faith grabs the large butcher knife she had resting on the vanity.

Behind her, the window explodes inward as Buffy dives through, taking

Faith down in a tackle.  She quickly gets to her feet and slams a fist

down on Faith's face as she tries to get to her knees.

Buffy: (to Joyce) Hi, Mom.

Joyce: (relieved) Hi, honey.

Faith stands up a Buffy blocks her backhand, but she follows through

with a roundkick hitting Buffy in the face.  She tries to slam a knee

into her midsection but Buffy blocks that, countering with an inward

crescent kick, sending Faith against the vanity.  Buffy grabs her from

behind and pulls her out into the hallway.  Joyce quickly reaches for

the phone and dials 911.

Out in the hall, Buffy still has Faith .  She slams the brunette into

a closed door hard.  Faith faces her just in time to block a backhand

fist but Buffy grabs that arm and sends her other fist into Faith's

side, then up in a backhand to her face, in quick succession.  Then

she swings her across the hall slamming her face first into the wall

by the open stairwell.  Trying to recover, Faith raises a knee to stop

Buffy's mid-level roundkick, then grabs her by the shoulders.  They

struggle with each other, both of them slamming into the closed door,

then rebounding across the hall falling into the stairwell where they

take an unpleasant slide headfirst down the stairs.  When they reach

the bottom, in the foyer, they roll away from each other and come up

in fighting stances.

Faith: (grinning) Thought I'd go after the clean marine, didn't ya?

He's a cutie.  Looks like he can use a good roll in the sack.

Buffy launches an attack but Faith blocks her strikes.  She counters

with a right hook but Buffy ducks it.

Buffy: You're not his type.  He's not real big on sleaze.

Buffy attacks again, this time hitting Faith with several punches to

the stomach and head.  Faith manages to catch her arm on the last

punch and slams Buffy back against the dining room wall.

Faith: He's probably just never tried it.

Buffy: Going for the boyfriend again?  That's tired.

Faith: Just something to remember me by once I've moved on.

Faith throws a fist straight at Buffy's head but she ducks at the last

instant and it goes through the wall.  She throws herself at Faith

driving her further into the dining room and sends her across the

surface of the table, clearing it of the candles and glass bowl of wax

fruit, and knocking down chairs as she falls off the other side.

Buffy: Did it ever occur to you Faith that the reason we all forgot

you is because we wanted to?

Faith is pulling herself up holding onto the silverware cabinet.

Enraged, she grabs a large flower vase and throws it.  It hits Buffy

in the side and shatters but she's unharmed.  Faith pulls out one of

the drawers and dumps all the silverware to the floor as she swings it

to throw it at Buffy.  As Buffy ducks the flying drawer, Faith

snatches up a long two-pronged fork and attacks Buffy.  Buffy dodges

the strikes and shoves Faith against the table.

Cut to Giles' Apartment.  He's opening his front door and steps

inside.  As he closes it, he flips the light switch but the lights

don't come on.  Then the lamp on his desk is turned on and Giles sees

three men in leather jackets in his home.  They are “The Team” that

had arrived earlier that night.  And they've made themselves at home.

The lead man has a cup of tea on the desk in front of him and the

other two are sitting on the bar stools.  One is holding a drink in

his hand.  The lead man casually lights a cigarette.

Man: (English accent) Hello, Rupert.

Giles is not happy, maybe also a little worried, as to why they're


But let's return to the Slayer match.

Faith swings the fork at Buffy's face but the blonde ducks away and

it's buried in the wall.  Before Faith can pull it out, Buffy grabs

her from behind, swings her around, and slams her against the table

again.  She quickly hits Buffy in the face with a back elbow freeing

herself.  That's when she hears the sirens approaching the house.

Faith: The cops.

She scrambles across the top of the table and runs for the living

room.  Buffy is right behind her.  Too close it turns out as Faith

reaches the open French doorway, she grabs one of the glass-framed

doors and swings it in Buffy's face.  The blonde just crashes right

through it and stumbles into the living room.  She hasn't even

regained her balance again when she fires a left-right combination

hitting Faith in the stomach and face.  This sends the brunette

falling onto the coffee table and it shatters under her.

The red flashing lights of the police cars are shining into the room

through the windows.

Buffy tries to hit Faith again as she gets to her knees, but Faith

catches her arm and holds onto her and drives her across the living

room where she sends her into the glass bookcase.  Taking advantage,

Faith roundkicks at her face but Buffy manages to block it and sends a

backhand fist across Faith's face.  Faith counters with another

roundkick, this time hitting Buffy and knocking her down.  She quickly

reaches the fireplace and grabs something off the mantle.  It is the

mayor's present to her and she slips the rings of the device on her

thumb and fourth and index fingers, keeping the small device in place

in her palm.

Buffy is on her feet.  She runs over to slam a left hook into Faith's

face.  She quickly follows that with a right hook, snapping her head

back.  Before she can hit her again, Faith grabs her hand and holds it

tight, the small device between their palms.  A glowing light starts

to emanate from their hands as the device activates.  Then both young

women react as if hit by a shockwave.

Faith is looking at their clasped hands then lifts her eyes and seems

surprised as she looks at Buffy.  Buffy pulls back her fist and hits

her hard in the face with a right hook, sending her to the floor


Joyce hurries into the living room.

Joyce: You okay?

Buffy is looking down at the strange device she is now holding in her

hand.  There's an awed expression on her face.

Buffy: All things considered.

Joyce: What is that?

Buffy: Weapon of some kind.

She throws it down on the floor and stomps her boot on it.  There is a

flash of light as it's crushed.

Buffy: Didn't work whatever it was.

There's a loud pounding on the door.

Joyce: Ah, the police.

Buffy looks at the front door then down at Faith, lying on the broken

coffee table.

Buffy: She's their problem now.

Joyce: (nods) You're sure you're okay?

Buffy considers the question as she looks down at Faith.

Buffy: Five by five.

She tilts her head slightly as a grin starts to form on her lips


To Be Continued

Executive Producer Joss Whedon
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